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Ok idk wtf this is but cute ending tho.

I put on my uniform for school and walked out the house to see Sunstreaker waiting for me. By the look on his face, he seemed angry. I calmly walked over to his alt and waited for him to open his door. His door opened and I got in, his seatbelt wrapped tightly around me. The ride to school was silent. I kissed his cheek and got out walking into the school building. I walked to my locker putting my books and things I don't need until later in it. I closed my locker door seeing the biggest jerk and playboy of the school. Isaac.

"Hey there~" He said his eyes roaming my body.

I rolled my eyes. I tried to walk past him but his other goons Jeremiah and Andrew blocked me. They both smirked at me.

"Going somewhere sweetheart~"  Isaac said near my ear.

"Yeah, the hell away from you and dumb and dumber." I snapped.

"Mmm, you're a feisty little kitty aren't you?" He purred.

"I'm a woman who know how to kick ass." I snapped.

Issac, Andrew, and Jeremiah laughed and smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked to my class with Elena and Johnathan.


The day went by pretty quick. I walked back outside with Elena and Johnathan. Their parents were waiting for them so they left. I was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a chest. I looked up to see a smirking Isaac.

"Miss me~" He said smirking.

All of a sudden Isaac was slammed against the wall. I looked up see two red eyes. Belonging to a very pissed off Sunstreaker. He grabbed my hair and dragged me to his alt. He threw me in his trunk and drove off. I was yelling and squirming trying to get out or at least try to hit something. He growled and threw me out. I hit the concrete with a groan. Sunstreaker snatched my hair again and threw me on the couch.

"Who was that mech! What did he want from you?!" He yelled

"Sunstreaker he just grabbed me I told him to piss of and he didn't." I said.

"You're my femme!" He yelled.

"Sunstreaker I know that,  it what was I supposed to do when he didn't piss of ?!" I asked.

"You could've went to a teacher or something." He said.

"Sunstreaker, these teacher really don't give a fuck." I replied.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me to the floor.

I flipped to my feet and without thinking I slapped him across his face causing his head to snap to the right. Big mistake. His eyes turned blood red and he gripped his knife. I stopped and realized what I just did.

"Sunstreaker." I whispered and backed away. "I I I'm sorry." I whispered.

He looked at me with a deadly smirk. Without thinking I took off running down the street Sunstreaker right behind me. 

"Get back here!" He roared tossing things aside.

I ran to a park and down an alley. There was a dead end. I hear his footsteps so I quickly climbed a railing and sat there quietly. He slowly walked down the alley.

"Come out come out wherever you are~" He said menacingly.

"Sunstreaker please just stop." I called down to him.

He looked up at me then his holoform disappeared. I already knew what was gonna happen. I was grabbed by a large metal hand. I stared up into the red glowing optics of my alien boyfriend. He squeeze me hard making my lungs stop for a second.

"Sunstreaker please, I hate fighting with you. I don't want us to be like this, just please listen to me for once." I said softly looking into his optics.

His optics turned back to their normal icy blue color but he still melt a hard gaze. I sighed looking up at him then I turned my back to him.

"You don't ever listen to me when you're like this." I sighed.

He jerked his servo making me look at him. He stared at me for a couple of minutes until he finally said something.

"I don't mean to hurt you at all. I just don't wanna lose you." He said.

"You're never gonna lose me. There is no one in the entire universe that could ever replace you. You will always be me shinning ray of sun." I said.

He smiled and held me close to his chest plate. I nuzzled into him.

"I'm sorry about hitting you." I said looking up to him.

He smirked and looked down at me. I know that look.

"Well I guess I'll have to o prepare for a long night." I said.

"Yes you do sweetspark." He said.

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