Injured (fluff)

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This was requested by @tfp-fanfiction

I was sitting on the couch reading my favorite book. I eventually got bored so I turned on Disney+ and watched The Mandalorian. I was in the middle of chapter 3 until my phone began to ring. I answered.

"Hi, this is Lennox. Um something happened to Sunstreaker-"

"I'm on my way" I didn't even let him finish.

I got up and ran to my motorcycle. I quickly put my helmet and raced down the street to base. I quickly showed my ID and they let me in. I raced through the main hanger to see Sunstreaker on a medical table. He was obviously being stubborn.

"Sunstreaker for once can you please stop being so damn stubborn." I said.

He looked up and saw me.

"Get over here." He demanded.

I walked over to him and began to message his scalp. When Ratchet said Sunny could come back home with me I helped him back to my motorcycle and rode home. I helped get settled to the couch. I saw that Ratchet had already stitched his wounds. I applied some moisturizer to it so it wouldn't be dry. I made sure it wouldn't effect his wound either. I was about to get up until Sunstreaker grabbed my arm.

"Stay." He groaned.

I smiled and sat on the couch with him. His head was in my lap and his legs were dangling off the side of the couch. I kissed his forehead and began messaging his head. He sighed and closed his eyes. I reached over to the table and grabbed a bag of pretzels. I placed one at his lips and waited for him to open his mouth. He opened his mouth and accepted the salty snack. I gave him a few more till the bag was empty. I got the bottle of water and placed it at his lips. He started to drink it till the bottle was empty.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I feel better now that you're here baby." He purred sounding tired.

"You sound tired baby." I said.

"Yeah, I took a hit to protect Sideswipe." He said.

"You're a good brother Sunny." I said and kissed his nose.

"I know." He smirked weakly.

"You're still an arrogant ray of sunshine." I teased.

He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Wanna go to the room?" I asked.

He looked at me with a smirk. Damn his dirty mind.

"Not for that, besides you're injured." I said sternly.

He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but I wanna cuddle." He grumbled.

I helped him to our room and helped him get situated on the bed. I crawled beside him and began to rub his chest making him hummed in satisfaction. He wrapped his arms around my body and smiled. I kissed his forehead as we cuddled.

"I love you baby." He purred.

"I love you too Sunstreaker."

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