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I got out of the shower and dried myself off.  I looked through my closet looking for something to wear. I picked out a  golden yellow shirt, a black leather skirt with chains and hoops, fishnets stockings, and black leather high heeled boots. I put my hair in a high ponytail with a side bang. I put on some eyeliner and lipgloss and put in my silver hooped earrings. I look in the mirror and damn I look good. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. I hear a familiar roar off an engine. I walked outside to see Sunstreaker. He activated his holoform with a smirk.

"Hey sweetspark." He smiled.

"Hi love." I said hugging him.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and got in his alt. We drove to a nice restaurant and got out.

"Table for two." Sunny said.

The waiter took us to our table and gave us menus.

"You look beautiful as always sweetspark." He purred.

"Thanks you look handsome as always." I said.

A waitress came and stared at Sunny for a minute.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked looking at Sunny.

"I'll take a beer." He said.

She wrote it down before looking at me.

"You?" She said duly.

"An iced tea please."

She walked away to get our drinks. I looked out the window looking at the scenery.

The waitress came back with our drinks. She gently put Sunny's beer down to him and practically slammed mine down in front of me getting a little on my shirt.

"Ready to order." she asked looking at Sunny."

"Just a pizza." He said.


"A small Caesar Salad." I said.

Sunny grasped my hand.

"You look stressed." He said.

"A little. It's this college everything is new especially in the advanced classes. I just don't know if I can keep up with them. I said.

"Of course you can do it. You're my strong beautiful girl." He said.

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

The waitress came with our food.

"Is there anything else I can get you." She asked batting her lashes at Sunny.

"No." He snapped.

We ate our food and drank our drinks.

The waitress came back with a check.

"Would you like to leave a tip?" She seductively asked Sunny.

"No now get the hell out of my way before I rip your limbs off." He shouted.

She looked petrified before walking away.

We left the restaurant and drove back home.

We laid on the couch and turned on the tv.

Sunstreaker kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my body.

"Enjoyed our date, minus that femme that kept looking at me." He said.

I giggled "I know sunshine."

"I love you sweetspark." He purred.

"I love you too Sunstreaker." I smiled.

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