Chapter 29

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It was definitely hard for Eidos to walk in a whole amphitheater of people who he didn't want to see. Till now he had avoided all of them like a plague (except for tiny Frida) but seeing everyone together was almost enough to break him. Cora knew that seeing all of the campers and the gods, all at once was quite the burden for her commander. She and Luke got to know by the tiny twitch of his hands. A tiny twitch would not seem like much but knowing their commander for years, they saw the crack in his armor. 

He could have easily denied attending the annual campfire, but he was just to good to place his comfort above their mission. Seeing all the demigods and gods sitting altogether, enjoying each others company, sired a few locked away emotions in Eidos. This is what he had longed for. harmony and peace between the campers and their parents. He couldn't help but feel that it was because he left. And now he felt that he should have left before.


Hades slid into the seat next to the commander. He knew he was treading thin ice, but he wanted to confirm Hestia's words. He was a bit afraid no doubt, seeing, or rather feeling the amount of power he held, but something about him just made the dark god relaxed and calm. 

"Hello, lord Hades." Eidos said, greeting him politely. "Why do you call me lord?" Hades asked him, truly curious.

"It is because you kept me alive when I wanted to die." Eidos simply said, still watching the burning campfire. Shocked but comforted by his answer, Hades looked at the man sitting beside him. Instead of seeing a proud commander he saw a healed and strong demigod. He then put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, conveying comfort through the simple touch.


"We have gathered here to honor the memories of all the fallen heroes."Reyna said. When Percy died, it was as if they were snapped back into reality. They felt like eidolons had controlled them, but Piper had made it impossible to do so. Also controlling the whole camp? She had racked her brain to think of something but she always ended up blank. Finally after thousands of years she gave up. That didn't mean that she was not guilty. In fact it made her even more guilty.

It was only Annabeth and Duke who were relatively the same. Same, as in TOTAL scumbags. 

Reyna always had a weight on her shoulders. Whether it be the praetor-ship of Rome she had to handle alone, or the guilt weighing her down for over a millennium. Honestly she was just tired, but she didn't trust Annabeth or Duke enough to just let them have all authority, and so she was there, honoring all the deeply respected warriors from the titan and giant war. 

To keep the memories fresh, they told stories and adventures of the heroes. They spoke about Silena, Bekendorf, Michelle, Luke, Zoë, and many, many more. and at last they spoke of the greatest hero. Percy Jackson. The son of Poseidon.

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