Part 48

283 6 54

5205: My head...

Author: How much did you drink 5205?

5205: I don't know, but this is the eleventh day of a hangover.

Author: But... The last Ask was three days ago...

5205: Time floats differently in universes.

Author: ... Lets start with questions from DizaGadiza48

106: Believe me or not, but in our universe I am one of playable characters

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106: Believe me or not, but in our universe I am one of playable characters. 049 and 035 didn't get that offer.


Scarlet King: Kattie Killjoy

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Scarlet King: Kattie Killjoy.

Gate Guardian: Nobody.

035: None of them.

049: Vaggie

049-J: To be honest, I don't know.

073: I am already with Iris, so nobody.

076: I am asexual, so nobody.

079: Vaggie.

096: Charlie.

106: Nobody, I am too old for that.

457: The one, who would give me a lot of fuel.

682-1: Nobody.

735: Nobody.

939: Damn, almost all of us already have a girlfriend/wife or are asexual. And I also wouldn't date any of them, because I have a girlfriend.

990: Cherri Bomb

999: Nifty.

1048 and his creations: Nobody.

1504: Charlie.

2295: Nobody, I am only a teddy bear.

2662: Kattie Killjoy

4494: None of them.

5205: And I have a wife, so none of then.


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