Chapter 1~ Do you like anyone?

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Ichinose cringed, closing his eyes and scrunching his shoulders towards his neck.

"Ittoki! What are you doing?" He growled

"Uh, I'm opening fan mail... Why is it bothering you? I'm sorry! I can look at it later if you want."

"N-no it's okay, it's just... Never mind. Continue what you were doing..."

Ittoki nodded in agreement and went back to the mail.

Ichinose walked up behind the red headed boy and leaned over, looking at the letters with him.

"Man, people are really loving STARISH since the Uta Pri Award competition happened. Maji Love 2000% is a huge hit, people are buying it left and right! We've already sold three million CD's throughout Japan! Not to mention our fans in other countries." Ittoki beamed.

"Geeze, I guess so huh... People are really eating up the whole 'boy band' thing." Ichinose mumbled.

Ichinose leaned in close and slumped onto Ittoki's shoulders with his hands and chin resting on his head. His fingers running through the soft fluffy red hair.

Ichi-- You know... You're a lot heavier then you look."

"Am I? How's that? I'm not that much bigger then you are."

"Yes... and I don't know. But you feel like a giant dog lying on my back."

"Hmm, well I'm only putting my upper body on you so I don'd know what you're feeling that's so heavy. So..." Ichinose hesitated. Ittoki glanced over his shoulder to look at him, trying to figure out what might spew out of his mouth next. Ittoki had never been good at reading faces, especially not Ichinose's, but he always gave it a shot. "Do you-- like, anyone?"

"What?!" A flurry of red hair brushed Ichinose's cheek as Ittoki turned in a rush to conceal his blushing face, "N-no of course not... Plus, the rule is no boy, girl romance! I'd be kicked out!" He exclaimed, looking down at his lap, face as red as his hair, "I can't get kicked out... This is my dream..." He whimpered, slightly perplexed by Ichinose's question.

"We'll see about that..." Ichinose whispered under his breath while staring intently at Ittoki's head, deeply wanting the boy to turn around towards him again.

When he didn't, Ichinose placed a finger on the side of Ittoki's face, turning it so he could see his beautiful red eyes. He was blushing like no other and his eyes were prickling with tears at the thought of being kicked out of Satome Academy. Ichinose had a moment of panic. He had never seen Ittoki so vulnerable. So helpless. So... cute.

He quickly pushed his face towards Ittoki's and placed a brisk kiss of his lips.

He backed away to see the boys eyes even larger then before, his own more serious then ever.

The red heads mouth slowly opened, totally confused about what had just been done, "Wh-wh-wh..."

As Ittoki tried to form words, Ichinose swung in again, but this time missing his lips and passing most of his face. He placed his mouth so close to Ittoki's ear that he could feel when his hairs stood up on end due to the breath now on his neck and upper back.

"What about now?" He whispered. His voice dropping lowed the Ittoki had ever heard it. Even when he sang.

He pulled away slightly, but only enough to turn the boys body to face him, then pulled him close again. Hungry for anything and everything this boy had to offer.

Ittoki's mouth was still gaping open from the surprise of the previous lip lock. Not wanting things to escalate, he quickly tried to close his lips, but was a beat to late.

As their mouths connected, Ichinose's tongue slipped inside with ease. Ittoki jumped, but wound up instinctively melting into the kiss, clumsily moving his lips to mirror Ichinose's movement. It was only his second kiss. He wasn't fully sure how to move. And he was also still in shock from only having his first seconds before.

Inside the red heads mouth, he could taste his room mates tongue. Bitter but somewhat tasteless at the same time. It was soft and malleable, but strong and feeling its way into every corner of his mouth. But it was still odd to him having the foreign object brushing over his tongue, teeth, and gums.

His mouth felt more watery then ever. With the new taste and the smell of Ichinose being right there, his mouth was put into overdrive. Plus the added saliva from Ichinose's mouth contributed to the wet sensation.

He suddenly realized what was happening and began to try pushing the blue haired beauty away. With his hand balled up, he, almost forcefully, smashed them against Ichinose's chest. But Ichinose held on with all his strength. Slowly, Ittoki stopped struggling and left his partly curled up hands resting on Ichinose's chest, letting himself fall into the mans arms.

Ichinose pulled him closer, pressing their chests together, hugging him tightly. One hand moving up Ittoki's back and into his hair where he allowed his fingers to intertwine with the soft fluff.

Ichinose was the one who finally broke the kiss, leaving a strand of saliva between their lips. His eyes bore into Ittoki's more intensely then before

"Do you still not like anyone? Or has something changed your mind?"

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