Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hi I'm Madison Parker a 21 year graduate student. Recently my friends and I decided to move to Los Angeles. Why LA and why not Florida? The reason behind it was because we wanted to pursue our dreams. We bought an affordable apartment for 50,000$. Since we just graduates from college. We didn't have any money so I got a job as radiologic technologist as $83,285 per year. My friend, Clara Brown, worked at Target and being a youtuber with 103,000 subcribers. With the total salary is 100,000$. Taylor would work as wrestler with total of 100,000$. Davina work as a dance teacher and professional dancer for 60,000$ and Alex would be in medical school.

Let me introduced the characters;

Taylor Smith

Taylor might be appear rough but she's though on us because she loves us and she's a professional wrestler and has pursued a career as a signer
. Most importantly, She bosses everyone around and tells them what do. She is in charge of everything and she cooks for us most of the time when she's not traveling the world as a wrestler. She got signed by a Record Label named Red Records.

Clara Brown-Turner

Clara is the sweetest, innocent and darling possible friend you could ever have in the whole world. Clara is aspiring youtuber but works at target to pay rent. She is currently married to her boss, Michael Turner. And Expecting a child with him. Despite the fact that he is like 40 year older than her.

Davina Chase

Davina is a loving mother and a nice dance teacher. She has 2 lovely children named Kailin and Noah. She is kind and would anything for her fiancé, kids and friends. She is engaged to Harry Stevens. She was loyal to the Dance Academy for 4 months.

Alex Peters

Alex is a mean graduate student who is in med school, just joking. She is not very serious about school but still get good grades and on her way to be a ED doctor. Alex can be cocky, mean but overall nice.

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