Chapter 33: The Perfect Happy Ending

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I stepped in & I said I think you both need to talk to her beloved mother. They both deserve the truth. So we all went to talk their mother. They need to get seriously a therapist. Family drama, I tell you. The therapist had them tell what happened. Davina started why didn't I know I was adopted. 

Out of no where, Jaden screamed out his mother: " HOW COULD YOU BETRAY FATHER & ME AND HAVE ANOTHER CHILD? I ALWAYS KNOWN YOU NEVER LOVED ME!"  He pulled me away and Afterwards, we started looking for some penthouses. He came back and work things out my Davina and his mother.

We got ready for our race. I kissed him on the cheek for good luck. I saw Davina cheering both of us on and I know that Jaden saw her. I smiled back at her. I went ahead and competed hard as I can. I also saw when driving my ex whom I still cared for since we did share a child together. I still miss her so much. She was the light in my life but I found a new light. I was determined to win this for Noelle. I had get more lap and the competition got tougher by the second. I actually won the race. I hugged Jaden. He got down in one knee and asked me to marry him. I started crying and said yes yes. We kissed in front of the whole crowd. 

Clara, Alex, Cat and Davina were so happy for me. Clara revealed that she was seeing someone who is very special is her life. Davina also added that she found acceptance and peace after Harry's death and she forgives Taylor. Taylor wasn't here due to her being in jail.  Alex said that we wouldn't trade anything to have this life. We started laughing and held each others hands.

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