Chapter 30: Scandals & Dramas

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Jaden and I were looking for boy names and I couldn't be more exited. Being pregnant the second time, feels different. Davina suggested to have at home birth and after watching many videos i rather go to hospital where I will experience less pain.  After looking at baby boys name, I work on my speech on my experience about my race car journey and what does the future hold for my career. I felt kicks and it did distract me but I keep working. 

I went into the kitchen for breakfast and suddenly Taylor announces that she's releasing a new album. Everyone was so happy for her. I open my phone and look at Clara. She tells me what are you looking at and I say look at the news. She yells I have a scandal how-. Suddenly, CPS barges in our home. They take Riley and claim that Clara was abusive towards her. We explained to them that Clara was never abusive to Clara and they respond with can you explain this video. Out of no where, one of the people working for CPS pushes me when I was still indeed pregnant. Davina asks if I'm okay and I said I'm fine and We need to get Riley back. We need to get the kids to another state before anything happens so I bought a private jet so that they can be safe from CPS. The scandal was bigger than we imagined. I had to do some paper work regarding a cps worker pushing me as an assault and have proof that Clara didn't abuse her daughter. 

The cases where took in court, mine and Clara's. As Clara case was up first. CPS were denied to keep Riley away from Clara. I was happy for her but it was time for my case. The CPS worker denies that he assaulted me but i had 5 witnesses including Riley herself. TheCPS worker yelled at me and attempted to attack me but the judge ruled that he was guilty. As I left, my water broke. He broke through his cuff and came after me. Taylor saved me if her wrestling skills.

I was rushed to the hospital. I was about to pass out and Clara was by side no matter what. There was no time to get to the hospital. I delivered 2 boys named James Parker Perry and Hudson Finnegan Perry in an ambulance. I felt like I took my last breath. I passed out. The moniters beep and I could still hear Clara say Don't go please we need you.  I cough up and opened my eyes. We arrived to the hospital and Jaden running to me and kiss me saying thank god you are alright. After having the worst day and missing my speech, i was still happy to had given birth to my boys and I will love them until I die. I had Hudson in my arms and Jaden had  James in his arm. Hudson for my brother and James for Jaden's father. 

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