Chapter 5: Davina & Harry

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Look it's Davina turning with her 500$  wedding dress.  Alex complimenting how beautiful she looked. Only 4 hours left to the wedding. Davina calls me to make sure the decoration are in place and she sent me a selfie of her in a wedding gown and Alex's bridesmaid dress. 

Unfortunately, Clara was stuck at home because of her house arrest so she would have to watch the wedding on her phone

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Unfortunately, Clara was stuck at home because of her house arrest so she would have to watch the wedding on her phone. Taylor and I are  preparing the wedding venue. The marriage counselor approaches us and gives us the news that Harry is still married to a women named Emily Stevens. We asked how is this even possible that he's still married. He proceed to explain that married couples could be separated but still be married. I mean they dated from 16 to now. Did he cheat on Davina? He has kids with Davina. Alex comes and ask what the problem is. We shout at her and said there's no wedding since HE'S MARRIED. Alex replied with Who.  I revealed to  that Emily Stevens is his wife. Alex said since when he married another girl? Alex was so angry that you could see her face turning red, her evil eye and her facial expression turned up to down. She said she is going to rip him apart. Taylor quickly stopped her by grabbing her. I decided to go alone and pay a visit to our dear friend, Harry. And ask about him some things like if he ever cheated or married someone behind Davina's back. While I interrogate Harry, the girls tried to make sure Davina didn't find out about her cheater fiancé. Harry comes at with a what do you want to know. I suddenly get a text from my boyfriend, Christopher "Cody" Schneider. 

Text message from Cody and I; 

Cody: Where are you? I thought you were going to be helping out on the wedding? You're with Harry?

Madison: it's not like that Cody at all. 

Cody: Then tell me what's going on.  I mean it. If you trust me tell me what's going on!!

Madison: Fine, Harry is married to a women named Emily Stevens. I've been trying to get the bottom of this.

Cody: Maddie, you're kidding right?

Madison: Yeah I'm not kidding. I gotta go but please don't tell Davina. She's going to be devastated. Anyways I love you bye xx

I left Cody speechless as was I at first when I found out. 

After texting Cody, I started grilling him about the allegations against him. Are they true or false information? Harry anxiously doesn't answers and ask what allegations. I respond that you're already married. I continued to grill him about did he cheat on Davina. While I tried to get the truth out of Harry, Davina finds out about her fiancé is already married. She cries out of panic and Alex tries to make her feel better. And said he will make it to you and you will get married today.  Back to me, Harry admits that he kinda did cheat on Davina when she was pregnant with Kailin. When he was 19, he told Davina he went on a trip to Los Vegas. He went into a nightclub with his friends. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was drunk and also Los Vegas are famous for their chapel wedding. He confirmed what I was thinking.  And he got drunk married. He also said that the next morning he wanted to get divorce but she didn't want since Harry explained that she was a psychopath and wouldn't let him get a divorce. And she said she would kill me if  I got a divorce. I quickly called the cop and report this incident. I gave him hugs but it felt weird since I didn't give him a hug before. Only a hour to the wedding, we rushed to filed a divorce. We got Emily to show up and she signed it unwillingly and got sent to jail. At the court's bathroom,  Harry and I got dressed into a dress and a suit. He drove as quick as possible without crossing the speed limit. Cody, Alex and Taylor called me and we finally got there. I took a seat in the audience. Harry was in place. The ceremony started  with a flower girl throwing beautiful flowers into the grown. Soon after, Davina walk in her elegant white dress and has a vail. She is walked by her brother. The marriage conselor said some catholic prayers. He start saying do you Henry James Stevens take Davina Chase as your wife? Harry replies I do. He repeats himself with Do you Davina Elizabeth Chase take Henry James Steven to be your husband? Davina says I do. The marriage conselor replies with before being wed please say your vows.Harry says I vow to love you without reservation or conditions. I vow to always do my best to give more than I take, and not keep score. When I am with you, I am the best version of myself because I am utterly and unapologetically myself. I vow to continuously work on myself, and to be the husband you want and deserve." Davina says All I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life. Harry pulls Davina in for a kiss. A few hours later, Davina and Harry have their slow dance.

To be continued...

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