Chapter 8: Taylor's Puppy

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It has been 2 years and we have catching up to do. 2 years since Davina got married also she had a girl  named Zoey May Stevens. A lot things happened like the fact that I am engaged to Cody Schneider and expecting my child. Funny enough, Davina is pregnant in the same time I am. We hired a  34 year old Romanian nanny named Natalia Albescu. Taylor has been ruling over the world with her number one hit " Girls Are Shinning " and touring the world. She has sold over 75 millions albums. Meaning that her salary is about  50 millions dollars. Anyways, Alex graduated from medical school and become a surgeon. Davina is not only a professional dancer, producer and also actress. 

Clara and I got the kitchen ready for a suprise party. A suprise party for her congratulating her on her successful career as a signer. Davina had a party hat on. Alex showed off her party outfit. As soon we saw flashing, it could mean one thing. If you are not following, Taylor is almost at the mansion. Once we here the garage alarm making a noise, we hid somewhere. Taylor walks up the stairs And says Anybody home? Out of Nowhere we pop out and say together " Suprise Taylor" Taylor was so pleased to see everyone. She hugged Clara since out of all of us they bond the most with each other. One shed a tear. The other comfort the other. That's the kind of friendship you want. Taylor and Alex got wasted ( drunk) on beer and passed out on the coach. 

Later that day, both, Davina and I announced we are pregnant. Taylor was so over joyed with happiness. Before she could congratulate us, Clara walks in the house with a husky ( dog) and Clara says; " For your hard work and dedication on your album, this your dog and her name is Rosie".  She was even more happy and over joyed with her own puppy even at a point where she was going to cry. She thanked us for the puppy and asked Why. We replied back with we owe you so much things and deserve to be happy not with a boy but with a puppy.  I said to finish the day in happiness let play " Girls are Shinning".  We started dancing like crazy people.

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