Chapter 21: Disneyland Proposal

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After 5 months have passed, Jaden and I are finally dating. Everyone knows it.  Jordan and Clara have been dating for 2 years. Taylor is  still dating this guy from a garage band. Davina and Harry are even still married to each other. And last but least Alex is getting divorced here and there.

It was a regular morning as I would head to my computer to work on my company. Taylor making breakfast and feeding the kids. Davina was a judge for this dance tv show in Arizona. Alex was at work. Clara was brainstorming ideas for her youtube channel. Jaden and Jordan walked up and told us to stop everything since we're all going to DisneyLand. I told them that Alex and Davina are not here. Plus, I have a ton of work to do. Clara was on board with it since she would have a video on her channel. Taylor had the day off. I went along with it but before we brought Davina's kids. I had call her and have her approval. Davina was okay with it. And also Harry was at work. We didn't bring Elliot since he didn't want to come. And he was old enough to stay at home alone. We were 5 adults and 5 kids. We brought 3 strollers. Clara and I packed our toddlers diaper bag and snacks for them. Last min decided to bring our new nanny for the trip named Emma. 

We arrived at DisneyLand. Riley was exited for the tea pot ride. So Clara and Jordan went with her while the rest of us went into other direction. Jaden, Noelle and I went for a carrousel ride since Noelle's never been on one. Taylor  and the others went for an Indiana Jones ride. Clara saw her step-kids with their kids. They caught up on some things but later went their separate ways. She started filming the trip for her channel. Soon after, they had lunch. Jordan texted me if everything was in place. I texted back saying don't say anything dumb. Jordan said yeah yeah. While Jordan texted me, Clara realized she lost Riley somewhere. In panic, she texts our group chat and tells us we need to find  Riley asap. I texted back by saying where are you at. She texted me by saying at the sandwich place and where are you guys anyways. I reply to her with the Mickey ferris wheel. Taylor texted Carrousel. 

A few moments later, Clara and Jordan start yelling Riley. And we started looking for Riley everywhere. After 40 min of not finding Riley, I saw a little girl with dirty blondish hair that indicated it could be Riley since it was her hair colour in the lost and found section. As Jaden and I walked up to the lady in the front desk. Riley yelled Auntie Maddie. I gave Riley a big hug and told her to not run off like this. I thanked the lady in the front desk for keeping an eye out for Riley. She said my pleasure and asked me are you the mother. I responded No, I'm not but her mom has been worried about her. I continued with I should probably take her to her mom. I called Clara saying that I found Riley and she was relived. You could that Clara cared for Riley and loved her to the moon back. I suddenly say speaking of family reunion. Jordan bends down on one knee. He continues with It didn't go as planned. With Riley getting lost and all. It was my fault for telling Riley a question that freaked her out. While Jordan talks to Clara, Taylor filmed this moment that she would never forget. Clara asks what question.  Jordan said Clara Macy Brown, will you marry me. Clara was speechless and says yes. No not even. She cried and yelled saying in the same time yes. He puts the ring on her finger. Jaden starts crying since he is very emotional. Taylor and I said isn't it funny how this Disney trip ended up being Clara's proposal. She came to conclusion that we were apart of everything. she asked how we helped. Taylor explained how she help by saying that anything for Riley is a gift for you and I kept this secret. I said Excuse me, the ring you're wearing costs 2M dollars from my deluxe collection and also we all knew except you. Clara and Jordan had a long kiss. At the first, it was cute. And then turned very cringy to look at. I'm sorry but a kiss isn't supposed to last 5 min. She also showed off her ring. 


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