Chapter 4; Birth of Riley Madison Turner

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Did we left off when Clara arrived to the hospital? Let's continue when  Dr. Thomas came to the rescue to Clara and quickly notice that Clara is wanted to the police. He secretly calls the cops on Clara but helps her deliver her child.  The pregnant lady goes to a pregnancy check up. She screamed at the doctor because he in't doing anything. Dr. Thomas called psychiatry to restain her so that he could do his job. After injecting the aspirin, the crazy pregnant lady calmed down. Taylor, Davina, Alex were worried about her and the baby.  I tried to call Michael ( her husband) to come the birth of their child. I should have none better that he was drunk and could care less about the baby. The doctor comes and gives us some news about Clara.  He said that there's to much pressure on the baby. Meaning it will result in a C-section  and He announced that after the birth of her child, she would be arrested for assaulting the officer. Also that the baby would be sent to DFS. We quickly told the doctor that the child has a father. But Father could care less. So I called with his kids, Emma and Jackson. A few hours later, Clara was rushed to the C-Section room. She gave birth to a baby girl named Riley Madison Turner. Clara was soon handcuffed to her hospital bed. Taylor, Davina, Alex and I tried to find her best lawyer. To get her prepared for her court day.  A few days have passed, Emma and Jackson took Riley home and decided to take care of her while we try to bail Clara out of jail. The bail was 5000$. Taylor bailed her out. The lawyer, we hired was named Laurence Jones.  He asked Clara is she wanted to plead guilty or not guilty to assaulting police officer or to plead that influence of child birth. Clara replied with the last one. He asked if we had any drugs. Clara answered no. Clara had 2 cases in court for Assaulting a police officer and could her child be endangered by her. It is finally court day. It was an anxious day for Clara  who is facing  1 year for assault and 2 years for child endangerment. Taylor and I were worried about the outcome. The judge ruled no charges will against Mrs. Clara Brown-Turner but She would be on probation. Meaning House Arrest. The Judge repeat himself by saying you will be able so see your child but you must stay at home. If you would leaving your house, you will be going to jail. The others and I are relieved about the outcome.

To be continued..

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