Chapter 26: Unwanted Pregnancy

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It was like any morning except for Cody since he did not passed his grieve like I did. Besides , we had pressing matters of Luna wanting still to get custody of the unborn quadruplets. Clara is about 9 months pregnant and told us that she's considering giving them up to adoption. We didn't argue since she was pregnant and intense. But we still advise her to rethink her decision because her decision affects more people than she thinks.

Out of all of us, I had to do some paperwork regarding Luna's legal rights to see her grandchildren. I would always fall asleep in middle of doing them and  morning sickness. Also, I didn't really have an appetite. Clara, Davina, Alex and Taylor suggested that I might be pregnant after I loss my child. Naturally, I said I wasn't. But I took their suggestion and took a pregnancy test. I was impatient to found out if I was really. The result stunned me as matter of fact that I was indeed pregnant. I did consider having abortion but I know I would regret it in the near future. I just thought to myself why is the timing so wrong. 

I got ready for date with Jaden and I wasn't ready to tell him that I was pregnant yet. Meanwhile, Alex had to finish up some divorce papers with her 3rd husband. Davina had been in the hospital and had giving birth to Monica Stevens. Clara and Luna finally had agreement that the grandmother would have  supervised visits with her grandchildren. I was really nervous on telling him. We ended up going to a restaurant. On my way home, I thought it was a good time. I told Jaden that I was pregnant and was considering an abortion. He was shook and told me that it was soon after Noelle's death and wanted me to keep the baby. As he dropped me off, I felt lost if I should have the baby and be a mother again. 

I arrived home and had a goodnight sleep. The next day, Jaden came over with flowers. He asked me again to consider keeping the baby. I assured him that I would keep the child. And overwhelm with all of my duties, Luna moving in some things in Clara's nursery of four. I told him that I'm going to the hospital for a checkup and wanted him to there with the girls. 

The medical experts assured me that I would have healthy babies and I told them babies? They told me that I was having twins. I was in shook. Soon after, Clara's water broke. 

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