Chapter 3: Lights, Camera & Contractions

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Where did I left you up on? A Cliffhanger? Oh Right when Clara's water broke and  I broke my foot. We wait for the ambulances for 15 min. The pain of Clara contraction got even to the point where she screamed of agony and pain. She described the pain as excruciating, pounding and hurt so much.  It was that painful that she cursed so many bad words. I was appalled to hear those word from Clara since She was sweet and innocent. Taylor, Davina, Alex and I paused for a second while Clara feels the pain of child birth. While We look clueless, Taylor finally realized that  the paparazzi were blocking the road for the ambulance and the firetruck. Since there was a fire a few blocks away. Taylor took charge as a leader and told to paparazzi to leave in an aggressive way.  They still refuses to go. The ambulance got sick and tired from the road block and left like nothing happened. Soon after they refused to leave. She threatens to sue them if they don't move. They wanted to photos of Taylor. I quickly ran into the apartment. I took some random object and said look there's Taylor Smith's signature on it. I threw it long enough to create a distraction so that Taylor could drive Clara to the hospital. Instead of going to the hospital, Taylor made a wrong turn. Meaning that She drove into straight traffic.  The pregnant lady keeps screaming in agony. Taylor almost crashed her car into another car because of the pregnant lady kept screaming every 5 sec. They both got slow down by police officer. Taylor got a ticket for reckless driving , speeding ticket and passing a red light. While Clara screams again. The police officer said to her to shut up.  Clara kept cursing at the nice police officer. The officer wasn't very pleased with Clara's behavior. Let's just say he hasn't the brightest since he didn't know Clara was pregnant. She quickly hit the officer and shoved the tickets into the officer's mouth. She slapped the officer and told her driver aka Taylor to drive quickly as she could. Taylor was even more shook than ever but obeyed Clara since She didn't that Clara was capable of this behavior. They quickly escaped the officer. Taylor tried to yell at Clara for what did to that police officer. But was quickly yell at herself by Clara. The pregnant lady a bit aggressive then usual. Clara not knowingly called me said I slapped the police officer and shoved the ticket in his mouth because he couldn't show respect for a pregnant lady. I was appalled and was like did you assault the police officer. She hung up on me. Davina and I tried to drive to the hospital for the baby. Alex didn't want to go since she was lazy. Davina screamed at her for not caring. Soon after, we went to the hospital. To our suprise, Clara was wanted because she assaulted a police officer. And Well She arrived to the hospital in a time

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