Chapter 25: Things could not get worse

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The day we dreaded had arrived, everyone did shed many tears for our deceased friend. The memorial service was so beautiful but so big. I couldn't blame Luna for wanting her son to be remembered. Davina, Taylor, Alex and I could see how  Clara didn't want a big memorial service and she would cry for hours. Again she lost her fiancé and was pregnant.  Luna had a meltdown and couldn't control how much she hated Clara for taking her son away. So she slapped Clara as she had to for that reason only. I had everything under control with Luna and the girls did everyone they could with Clara. After the incident, everyone witnessed his burial and as his tombstone said loving son, partner and father. 

A few months have passed, Clara made her comeback to youtube titled " You all deserve an explanation why I left Youtube" The video talked about Jordan, how she felt depression after his death and her hidden pregnancy. After the video made headlines, the paparazzi would often be at the house for pictures.  We took safety measure to go the hospital with my daughter since Cody told me that she was burning up earlier. 

We soon arrived at the hospital. Clara had her 5 month pregnancy check up and  the doctor told us the news that we would have quadruplets. Luna was there and has sued Clara for the custody of her grandchildren as soon as the doctor told them. I rushed to call Emma who was Jordan's best friend to urge Luna to not sue Clara and she would have visiting rights. 

And you think things could not get worse. Noelle got diagnosed with scarlet fever. After the doctor gave us some medicine. She started coughing up blood and the experts realized she has some complications with scarlet fever. They confirm that she might not survive the night. It honestly broke my heart. I called Cody but he wouldn't answer. Noelle got surgery for the kidney illness that was led to scarlet fever. Clara and I sat next to Noelle. Cody and Dylan came in. I did scold at them for not coming when she was at the verge of dying.  The doctors came into the room and said that she might not ever wake up and the 24 hours are very crucial. Cody and I asked that if she didn't, would she stay in a coma. He continued by saying  could you please sign this consent if she didn't wake up. They will have to remove her from the machine that is breathing for her and he also said It's less likely, she will survive. Jaden came and told me that 24 hours was up and I had to sign for Noelle's sake. As Cody & I signed, we watched our 2 years old die right before our eyes. 

A few days later

I couldn't believe my own child is gone. Cody and I planned a small funeral. Everyone tried to comfort us but it isn't that easy when your child just passed. After burying  our child, Cody and I felt that part of our life was always dedicated to her but now there's no words. I had to clean her room out with so much pain, sadness and the memories that I will miss.

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