Sequel: Part 3/3

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After giving the taxi driver the address Taehyung gave you, you arrived there in about 40 min. 

"Do you want me to wait, Miss?" the driver asked as he looked at you through the mirror.

You smiled gently at him, "No it's okay, my h-- boyfriend is in there waiting for me, thank you....." You spoke then paid him, "Have a safe drive." you added.

Just a few second after you walked out the taxi, You spotted the cottage, it looked as if it was straight out of a fairytale with a happy ending or a picture book for little kids

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Just a few second after you walked out the taxi, You spotted the cottage, it looked as if it was straight out of a fairytale with a happy ending or a picture book for little kids. It looked like many things. The small house hunkered low on the moor like a child in the elements trying to keep warm. Yet it looked alive and welcoming with a thin silver trail curling from the crooked stone chimney. The sides were the same grey slabs as the low walls in the dales and the roof was a darker slate.

Taehyung said it belongs to Yoongi's family but you have never heard of that, not that it's important information but you wished you knew. 

It was around 7pm, so the sun was about to call it a day and travel to the other side of the planet. The wind that almost rocked you back on your heels this morning is now no more than enough to make your raincoat flap. It flows between the buttonholes, chilling your skin beneath and tousles your hair to the ringlets Jungkook like so much. It's just as well he does, because after being blown for so long you'll never get a comb through it without half a gallon of conditioner. 

You stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before knocking on it, wondering what you'll do when he opens, slap him, or hug him? or just wait for him to react? 

You knocked once.



"Jungkook? are you in there?" you raised your voice and called but you received no answer. "Jungkook?" again, no answer.

He isn't here? 

Taehyung lied to me? 

"Nah impossible." you shook your head then placed your ear on the door hoping to hear something but nothing.

You knocked, again and again, maybe he is sleeping? 

But he's a light sleeper.

"J-Jungkook," You called with the last knock, nothing.

Did he leave again?

You looked around the house, the sun is no longer on sight, the warmth and the light it gave is no longer with you. Now only dark clouds and heavy winds are around you. 

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