Chapter 1

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Authors note:

First chapter of the sequel to Homosexuality is sin, hope you all enjoy, Happy new year ^.^

~T xoxo

Frank's POV
Gerard smiled at me across the kitchen counter. I grinned back and tucked my legs up against my chest, balancing precariously on my barstool. Gee looked concerned.
"I'm not gonna be able to catch you if you fall off there," he pointed out, waving his spatula for emphasis.
"I'll be fine," I giggled. "Just don't burn my pancakes."
Gerard chuckled and stuck his tongue out at me.
"I wasn't going to."
"Don't fight, boys," Mum sighed wearily, walking into the kitchen.
"We're not!" I protested. She gave me a look and I shut up. Gerard flipped me off when she wasn't looking and I giggled.
Gee turned his back on Mum to flip the pancakes and she gasped, reaching out and running her fingers across his bare back.
He had only just arrived last night, and so she hadn't seen the whip scars yet. It had completely escaped my understanding as to why he was cooking half-naked, but I wasn't going to object.
"What are these, Gerard?" Mum asked quietly. Gerard didn't answer, instead leaving the kitchen silently. My eyes wide, I shook my head at Mum and ran after him, almost falling off my chair.
"Gee!" I shouted. He was walking up the stairs, so I ran up behind him and slipped my arm around his waist, kissing his cheek. He was crying.
"Babe, don't cry," I soothed. "She didn't know."
"I know," he sighed, still walking. I fell silent and just kissed his cheek again as we went into my bedroom.
"Gee baby, why are you crying?" I murmured, turning him to face me and stroking his cheek.
"Because I'll have these scars forever," he answered. "Reminding me of what they did."
"Reminding you of your love for me," I retorted firmly. "You took it all for me. You believed in what you were and that you shouldn't have to renounce love. That is strength. You should be proud to be such a good person."
He sobbed quietly and I pulled him into my arms, rubbing his scarred back comfortingly.
"We both have scars because of stupid people," I pointed out. "I've gotten used to mine. You'll get used to yours."
"I wish I could think like you, Frankie," Gerard sniffed, laying his head on my shoulder and pressing his body against mine. I chuckled and shook my head.
"I was different after you left. I was pissed. I was just like this angry dude who hated everyone and everything. I thought I had changed. Like, really changed, you know?" I confessed. Gerard nodded and kissed my jaw.
"I was a little different as well. I became timid and easily scared. I thought I had changed too, but being here with you brings my confidence back."
I smiled and kissed his cheek, then lifted his chin up and planted a kiss on his lips.
"I love you, now put a shirt on and go back downstairs. That's why you came up, isn't it?"
Gee nodded and slipped away from me, tugging his shirt on over his head. I wrapped an arm around his waist as he walked back over to me.
"Let's go back," I murmured, opening my bedroom door.

Mum was staring at the kitchen counter, next to a pile of pancakes. She looked up when she saw me and Gee walk in and sighed.
"I'm sorry Ger-"
"It's okay Mrs. Iero," Gee said, cutting her off. "I understand. They're um...from my parents and I don't really feel like talking about it...sorry."
"It's fine, don't worry about it," Mum answered quickly, shoving a plate of pancakes towards my boyfriend. He grabbed them and smiled, sitting down at the counter. I sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, watching him eat while Mum cooked my breakfast. Gee finished and slipped his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek and leaving sticky maple syrup on my skin.
"Euuh!" I giggled, wiping it away.
Gerard laughed and nuzzled my cheek happily, gazing into my eyes.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," I said just as quietly, still leaning on him. Mum smiled and slid my pancakes across the side.
"You guys are so cute," she commented, making us both blush. I wasn't very hungry, so I shared my breakfast with Gerard, who had a bottomless pit instead of a stomach.
"So, when are you thinking of leaving, Gerard?" Mum asked, leaning her elbows on the counter. Gee looked up at the ceiling, then back at me.
"I don't know," he said at last. "As soon as possible. I need to get up to New York before school starts up again and get a place to stay. Luckily, I already accessed my bank account and pulled out my college funds before Mum and Dad could take them away and I did the same for Mikey. So it's not like we don't have enough."
"I'll get a job and I have a college fund as well," I cut in, looking at Gee. He nodded and Mum sighed.
"That was for you to go to college Frank, not your boyfriend," she pointed out.
"I don't want to go to college. But I do want to live with Gee, so we'll need an apartment."
"Why don't you boys do some research and sorting out of Frank's stuff today and then work it out later? Gee, what do you have in terms of stuff?"
"I have a suitcase and a car," Gerard said bluntly.

I smiled and laid my head on Gee's shoulder. He'd found some apartments close to the college that we could afford and was dialing them now. He kissed the top of my head and ruffled my hair as he put the phone to his ear, smiling at me excitedly.
I zoned out and began picking at loose threads on my jeans, studying the pattern of the carpet under my feet.
I only woke up when Gerard kissed my cheek, laughing at my surprised expression.
"Babe, we got one," he grinned. "It's a one bedroom, okay?"
"Yeah," I sighed, leaning into him. His smile faded a bit and he rubbed my shoulder.
"You okay?" he asked quietly. I nodded and shrugged.
"Tired is all."

I caught Gerard in a flying tackle, sending him to my bedroom floor. He laughed and yelled at me, trying to shake me off.
"NO!" I screamed, wresting the bag of guitar picks from his hands and holding it up triumphantly. "Those are mine!" He wriggled out from under me and kissed my lips, pulling me into him by my waist.
"I know, I'm just annoying you," he murmured in between kisses.
"Well....we sorted out most of my stuff. We should take some of my furniture I guess. Saves buying it," I said, looking around the room and tossing the picks into a box. There were four boxes and three guitar cases ready to be stuffed in Gee's car. Since we shared clothes a lot anyway, we'd packed up everything from my closet so Gee could steal some and not worry about getting any more for himself.
Gerard looked around and shrugged.
"Let's get this in my car first," he said. I nodded and grabbed a box, starting down the stairs. Gee did the same and we walked out to the car, dumping the boxes in his hatchback. Mum was waiting for us as we came back in.
"Are you going already?"
"Hopefully we can go today, Mrs. Iero," Gerard replied, wiping his hands on his pants. "I got an apartment, I just have to sign the lease, and apparently I can do that when we get there. We may need to spend a night in the car or in a hotel or something, but it should be fine."
Mum sighed and looked at me. "I don't want you to leave yet, Frank, I thought you'd be here longer."
I could tell she was getting choked up, so I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.
"I have to go, you know that. I need my Geebear."
"I know," she whispered.

Gee slammed the boot and grinned at me.
"We're all ready to go," he said, jingling his keys. "Let's go pack some food for the trip, we might be on the road a while."
"Can you get the food? I might check I didn't leave anything behind," I smiled, walking into the house with him.
I pulled him into a quick kiss then ran off upstairs. I was looking over the shelves when I saw a little piece of paper sticking up from behind one. I pulled it out and smiled sadly. It was that drawing Gee had given me; the one with the wedding rings. I suddenly realized I had never asked him about it, so I tucked it in my pocket and finished looking over my room.
When I walked downstairs, Mum was helping Gee pack a small cooler. Tears were running down her cheeks and I suddenly felt awful.
"Mum?" I whispered. She jumped and looked over.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, pulling her into a hug. Gee looked over worriedly and I grabbed his arm, turning it into a group hug.
"You have to go, Frankie," she said. "You need a chance to be happy and you need it now."

I looked out of the window, trying to hide my tears from my boyfriend. I knew he didn't mind, but he'd be worried.
"It's okay, Frankie," he murmured. Damn. He knew me too well. I sniffed and wiped my nose on my sleeve, earning a fake disgusted look from Gee.

"Frankie," he reprimanded, smiling at me. I stuck my tongue out and leaned my head on the glass, staring out at the scenery going by.

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