Chapter 2

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Authors note:
so, the image isn't really relevant but it makes me laugh so here XD
We arrived in New York late the next day and found our apartment quite easily.
I walked around the flat and laid down on the floor, giggling. We'd carried all the boxes and everything in without difficulty. Gee laid down next to me and grinned, kissing my cheek.
"We're here, babe," he whispered. "This is our place."
I smiled and rolled over, cuddling into his chest.
"I love you," I mumbled.
"I love you too, but we should get up and go buy a bed."
"I know. Well, we could just buy a mattress and dump it on the floor. Is that okay?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "Works for me. At least if I fall off in the night it won't hurt!"
Gerard chuckled and stood up, helping me up after him.

We were curled up in the bed, watching a movie on Gee's laptop when I remembered the drawing. I leaned over and flicked the bedside lamp from my bedroom on and pulled the paper out of my pocket. Gee took one look at it and blushed.
"You kept that?"
"Yeah," I smiled, kissing his cheek.
"We have wedding rings because I don't see a future without you. I want to marry you one day," Gee mumbled before I could ask. I started giggling and kissed him sloppily.
"I want to marry you as well," I grinned. Gee smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and kissing my lips. I broke away and stared at him.
"I need to get a job, babe!"
"Music store," Gerard said simply, trailing his lips down my neck and kissing my skin every now and then. I shivered as he hit my sweet spot; that one place he still knew by heart. He smirked and kissed it again, running his hand up my side.
"Gee, seriously," I said, stuttering slightly as I gently pushed him away.
"We can worry about that in the morning," he murmured, climbing on top of me and kissing me passionately.
"No," I sighed, pushing him away again and turning my head. "I don't want to do anything tonight, baby. I just want to cuddle and sleep. I'm really tired, I'm sorry."
Gee collapsed next to me and shot me a crooked grin.
"It's okay babe, I don't mind," he said, pulling me down next to him. He slammed the laptop shut and kicked it off the mattress, hugging me tightly. I curled up with my back against his chest and smiled to myself as he tucked his knees up into the backs of mine.
"I love you," he whispered, kissing my neck.
"I love you too," I answered as I leaned over and flicked the light off.

I woke up in Gee's arms and smiled. I wriggled out of his grip and stood up, walking into the kitchen and finding a piece of scrap paper and a pen. I wrote down a shopping list of food we needed and stuff we had to do. I was happy with the mattress on the floor thing and Gee seemed to be fine with it so I saw no reason to get a bed. Neither of us were too bothered about TV, so that could wait. I decided that Gerard was right and a job at a music store was the most likely option for me. I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed Gee's laptop, flipping it open and pulling up a webpage. I found a couple music stores hiring nearby and wrote down the addresses. Gerard was still sleeping soundly, so I kissed his forehead and wrote him a note, then walked out the front door.
I went to Gee's dirty car and sighed. I'd get it washed later, but for now, it was more important to get food and a job so we could get more food. I checked myself over and got into the car, starting it up and backing out of the parking space.

I parked and got out, tucking Gee's keys into my pocket and walking into the music store. I smiled at the counter dude and made a beeline for the guitars, pulling a nice looking one off the racks. I plugged it in and was soon playing away, tapping my foot and mouthing lyrics I had come up with.
Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and I spun around to find the counter guy smiling at me and a few amazed customers standing around. I grinned shyly and the counter guy held his hand out.
"Hey, I'm Alan," he smiled. He was tall and thin, with a shock of frizzy ginger hair. "Austin and I own this place. No offense, but I can see you don't have much money and I was wondering if you had a uh...a job. Cause we're hiring."
He coughed awkwardly and I smiled.
"Yeah, I was actually gonna ask you about that but I got kind of carried away," I grinned, playing a random chord and smiling even more as the guitar sang.
"Cool...uh...when can you start?"

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