Chapter 12

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"I uh...I got beat up one day." I replied.

Gerard grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it re-assuringly. I smiled and held his hand back. My dad's eyes widened and I looked away from him.

"Why did you get beat up?" My dad asked. I looked up at Gerard. Gerard nodded and continued to hold my hand.

"They did this cause I am gay..I-I was walking home one day and this gang of people was...was by me and I they did this to me" I stuttered out.

By now I was almost crying, thinking of the bad memories and Gerard had both his arms around me, trying to calm me down. I did stop crying and I looked up at Gerard before turning to my dad. His face was mixed with shock, concern and guilt.

"Aww Frank..." My dad started. "Obviously it was wrong of me to ask if you had a girlfriend, Frank, do you have a boyfriend?" My dad asked.

I looked up at Gerard and Gerard was smiling. I was about to say yes, I have a boyfriend until I remembered Gerard wasn't my boyfriend anymore. He was my fiancé. Yeah this is taking awhile to adjust to. But I was happy with it.

"Uhh no actually" I said. "But I do have a fiancé"

My dad smiled and looked at me, and then back at Gerard. Gerard placed my hand on the table and took off the glove on my left hand which exposed my wedding ring. My dad picked up my hand and looked at the ring. I started giggling and smiling like crazy.

"And Gerard's your fiancé?" My dad asked. I nodded and looked to Gerard.

Gerard wrapped his arm around me again and pressed his lips to my temple. The rest of dinner wasn't too uncomfortable. We talked for awhile and ate our dinner. After our meet up, my dad insisted he paid for the dinner. He said goodbye to Gerard and I outside and I hugged him goodbye. Gerard drove us home while I looked out of the window at the busy New York streets. When we got back to our apartment I followed Gerard inside and walked to our bedroom. I undressed and left myself in just boxers as I crawled in to bed, soon followed by Gerard. It was some-what early but both Gerard and I were tired and had to get up early tomorrow for school and work so Gerard and I curled up in our bed together and fell asleep.

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