Chapter 4

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(I'm skipping time bc I have bad writers' block and I want to get something out there sorry guys.)
~Frank's Birthday~
I woke up to Gee shaking me and groaned.
"FRANKIE! It's your birthday! Get up!" he shouted, then kissed my lips softly. I broke away from him and sat up, only to be pulled into his arms.
"Get a room!" Austin laughed and I looked up. All my friends were hanging around; Mikey, Austin, Alan, Ray, Bob, and of course, Gerard. I jumped to my feet and giggled, grinning at everyone.
"Good morning Frank!" Mikey yelled, grabbing me and hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.
"Where did you come from?" I said to Bob, grinning happily.
"Ray called me out of the blue and told me to get my ass over here to see you, so I did," he smiled back.
"Thanks everyone," I laughed, leaning back into Gerard and looking around.

By late evening, we were all intoxicated except Austin. I think Gerard was the most drunk, most of us were just tipsy. I was trying to keep an eye on my boyfriend, so I didn't drink too much.
Somehow the conversation turned onto the band we had in high school; My Chemical Romance. Alan and Austin had given me a beautiful Epiphone Les Paul for my birthday and I had squealed like a little girl and hid it in a closet. The guys were talking about how we all had instruments and Gerard was trying to articulate the idea that we should start playing shows again. I sighed and shrugged through the conversation, then decided to do a drinking game to see if I could get Gerard to pass out. I didn't like it when he got drunk, and hopefully, if the hangover was bad enough, he wouldn't do it again for a while.
We played truth or dare, but with added rules. If you passed, you took two shots. If a dare involved someone else, you'd each take a shot first. If you picked truth, you'd take a shot. Austin wasn't playing, and I was hanging back a little.
There were some stupid dares and embarrassing truths, but I got interested when Alan dared Mikey to kiss Ray. They both blushed deeply and took a shot each, then leaned in and kissed. Soon, they were making out on the floor and everyone was whooping and cheering. I blinked and Gerard grinned at me drunkenly. I sighed and broke them apart, then announced it was time for bed.

I curled up next to Gerard, who had, indeed, passed out. Mikey and Ray had claimed the sofa and Bob was sleeping on the floor. Austin had driven Alan home.
When I woke up, Gerard was groaning. I laughed and kicked him off the mattress.
"Go get an Advil, arsehole!" I yelled. He mumbled something and heaved himself to his feet, stumbling into the bathroom. I took pity on him and jumped up, walking into the kitchen and throwing bacon in a pan. Arms wrapped around my waist and Gerard laid his head on my shoulder tiredly.
"Hey babe," I murmured. "You shouldn't have gotten drunk last night."
"I know," he muttered, kissing my neck. "You know I have a problem."
"Yeah," I sighed, flipping the bacon over so both sides cooked evenly.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, babe, it's okay," I smiled, kissing his cheek. "You're not even 21 yet, though. Don't do anything too stupid."
"I won't."
"Alan shouldn't have brought all that shit."
"Are you serious about starting My Chem up again?"
" Mikey serious about Ray?"
I shrugged and leaned back against Gerard, kissing his jaw.
"Why don't you ask him? You should probably go and get him up. It's Saturday so if you want, you guys can sleep off the hangovers, but you should at least eat breakfast."
Gee nodded and let go of me, walking over to Mikey and Ray. He kicked Bob on the way and I chuckled, taking the bacon out of the pan and throwing it onto a random plate. Gerard streaked over and picked it up, moving at impressive speed. I giggled and tossed more into the pan, then put some bread in the toaster for my own breakfast.

Soon everyone was up and looking exhausted. I made probably about ten bacon sandwiches in total. Mikey and Ray were curled up together on the sofa, Mikey sitting on Ray's lap. I sighed and sat down on the floor and was soon joined by Gerard, who leaned into me and smiled.
"Hey babe," I murmured, stroking his cheek.
"Mm," he mumbled, closing his eyes happily.
"You feeling better?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said softly, slipping down and laying his head in my lap. I smiled down at him and ran my fingers through his hair, watching his eyelids droop as he started to get sleepy again.
"I love you, Geebear," I said, leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"I love you too, Frankie."

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