Chapter 3

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Gee gently woke me up. He looked really nervous and excited at the same time, and I remembered it was his first day of college.
"Frankie, I'm gonna take the car, you can walk to work, right?"
"Yeah," I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Gee kissed my forehead and smiled.
"I gotta go babe, I'll see you this evening. It's probably about time you got up."
He turned to leave, but I jumped up and grabbed his waist, tugging him back.
"Kiss me properly," I ordered sleepily. He laughed and kissed me softly, then stroked my hair and left.
I got dressed quickly and began making my way to work. I arrived a little early, so I leaned against the wall and had a smoke while I waited for Alan and Austin to drive in.

I walked into the apartment and collapsed onto the 'bed.'
I felt the mattress dip next to me and Gerard's arms wrapped around my waist.
"Babe? You okay?" he asked. I rolled over onto my back and kissed his jaw.
"Just exhausted. I'll be fine," I murmured, running my fingers through his tangled black hair. He sighed and flopped down next to me, pulling me into him.
"How was college?" I asked, my voice muffled by Gerard's chest.
"Great, it was really fun! How was work?"
"Tiring but fun."
"Good. I'll make us some food in a bit if you want."
"Mm please!"

The phone was ringing. Gee sighed and got up, walking over to it and picking it up.
I stared at the carpet as I finished my sandwich thoughtfully. I sort of spaced out I guess, because I didn't really hear the phone conversation. I barely registered Gerard shouting and his sobs. I did notice when he sat down next to me and dropped his head into his hands with a loud sob. I snapped out of my daze and pulled him into my arms, kissing his cheek.
"What's wrong?" I murmured.
"M-Mikey! My father beat him so bad he's in hospital! I have to go and get him as soon as possible...."
I nuzzled Gee's cheek and sighed.
"It's okay baby, we'll figure something out," I soothed, rubbing his back. "Everything's gonna be fine."

Mikey smiled as he walked into the apartment. He was doing okay, the main reason he was hospitalized was blood loss, and his wounds and cuts were stitched now. I pulled him into a hug and Gee grinned at me. Mikey looked around and sighed.
"I'm sorry about this, guys," he mumbled. Gee just sighed.
"Mikey, it's not your fault and you know we had to get you out of there."
Mikey began to cry silently, tears pouring down his cheeks. Gerard tutted quietly and hugged his brother tightly, trying to calm him down.
"It's okay Mikes," he murmured quietly.
"You're safe now," I cut in.
I walked into the kitchen and put the coffee pot on, sighing to myself as I watched the dark liquid dribble into the pot. Arms slid around my waist and Gee kissed my cheek sweetly. Mikey slipped into the kitchen and smiled at me.
"Thanks for everything...." he said, still holding back tears.
"I love you," Gerard answered simply.
"You know I love you, Mikes," I grinned as I poured out the coffee. He smiled slightly and leaned against the counter.
"You can come into work with me tomorrow," I stated, handing him a mug of coffee. He opened his mouth to protest and I shook my head.
"You'll like it, I promise," I told him.

I walked into work trailing a nervous Mikey behind me.
"Frankie!" Alan screamed when he saw me. Austin's arm wrapped around his waist and he shot him a look.
"I love you, Alan, but quiet it down a little. You're scaring the normal people," he laughed, gesturing to me and Mikey.
"Normal?" I snorted. "Hey Mikes, this is Alan and Austin, my bosses. Guys, this is Mikey, Gerard's younger brother."
"I see the resemblance," Alan nodded excitedly. "Nice to meet you, Mikey."
"Get lost!" Austin shouted. Alan poked him.
"Now who's being loud?"
Mikey looked really worried.
"It's okay Mikes," I murmured. "They're being silly, it's what they do. C'mon back with me, I'll show you around."
I dragged him into the back room and then around the entire store, showing him the different sections. He picked up a nice sleek bass and plugged it in, smiling as he hit a note, then launched into a song. Austin ran over and grinned, leaning against the wall and nodding his head to the beat. I smiled and picked up a guitar, playing along and making up random fills just for fun. I listened for the key and then improvised a long solo.
By the time we finished, Mikey and I were panting for breath and Austin was clapping.
"Awesome job, you guys-"
The doorbell rang and a tall dude with an afro walked in. Mikey froze and then slowly pulled the bass over his head, still staring at the guy. Then he suddenly started running and tackled him to the ground.
"Mikey!" I yelled, running over. But the guy was laughing and kissing Mikey's forehead.

I looked closer and light dawned; it was Ray!

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