Chapter 13

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I woke up early, before Gerard and made him get up too so he could get to college on time. Gerard and I had cheerios for breakfast before getting dressed and walking outside. I had convinced Gerard to drive me to work in the morning. I was tired and if I walked to work I would probably end up falling to sleep. When I got to work, I stepped in through the door and only Austin was there.

"Where's Alan?" I asked.
"He's sick" Austin said quietly.
"Awh that sucks. Hope he feels better soon" I said.

I placed my bag on the floor by the front. The store is always really quiet during the week and I didn't work on the weekends so I really never saw anyone around. I looked at the box with MCR's demo CD in it and there were only about three left. I smiled at that and looked beside it. The pile with the flyers had decreased significantly. I sat down in a swivel chair behind the counter and started spinning around like a little kid to solve my boredom. I stopped when I heard my phone ringing. I picked up my phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Hey babe" Gerard said.
"Hey" I said. "Miss you, it's kinda lonely here."
"Aww, see you later but I have good news!" Gerard said.
"hmm?" I hummed.
"I booked My Chem a show for tonight, we are playing and they're going to put us on live TV!" Gerard said cheerily.
"Really!? Thats awesome!" I said.
"Yeah I know, I gotta go now but can you let the other guys know?"

I said goodbye to Gerard and right after I called Mikey, telling him what was going on and Mikey told Ray. I also called Bob and let him know before sitting back down and spinning around on the chair. I stopped when I heard the bell of the door go off, indicating someone walked in. I stopped spinning and Gerard was standing by the door. He smiled at me and I ran over to him and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I have no classes for the rest of the day. I say we go out for lunch." Gerard smiled.

I looked at Austin and he nodded which sent Gerard and I walking out the door. After lunch with Gerard I had to go back to work so Gerard went back home. Later he came back to work where Ray, Mikey and Bob met us at the music store. The show was crazy, there was a lot of people there and an actual stage, it wasn't at a bar and there was cameras everywhere. The band went backstage and the guy who owned the place started talking to us.

"this is on live TV so don't fuck up or do anything stupid." The guy said. The five of us nodded and agreed. Gerard took a sip of a beer he had.
"How many is that?" I asked.
"I dunno, I think I'm wasted though" Gerard replied.

The whole audience, which really was only about fifty people but still pretty awesome, got riled up as Gerard started talking into the mic and making an intro. The first song we played was I'm Not Okay (I Promise) which went well. You could definitely tell Gerard was drunk. Normally before shows the band would drink to feel less nervous I guess.

When it got to the guitar solo Gerard walked over to where I was and pressed his lips to mine. Gerard tasted like alcohol but I kissed him back anyways. I stopped playing and dropped my hands from my guitar and kissed back. I could hear the audience cheering at Gerard and I. I'm sure all the cameras were pointing at us. Gerard pushed me away and started singing again as I picked up my guitar and continuing to play. After the show ended Gerard started saying things.

"Lets hear it for My Chemical Romance!" Gerard yelled into the mic. Everyone started cheering.
"And my fiancé Frankie!" Gerard laughed. I started blushing and Gerard walked over to me, grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me off stage.

On the drive back to the music store, Gerard rested his head on my shoulder. We both were really tired. When we got to the music store, Gerard was trying to convince me to let him drive but I won that fight, not going to let him drive intoxicated. When we got back to our home, Gerard followed me inside, looking tired until the second we opened the door. Gerard closed the door behind him and pushed me against it, kissing me. There was a lot of lust and a hint of passion in the kiss. I kissed back as Gerard started to buck his hips against me. I moaned into the kiss and Gerard pulled away, looked at me and smirked. I wrapped both my legs around his hips and Gerard carried me to our room. Gerard placed me on the mattress and kissed me for a bit before pulling away and pulling his shirt over his head. He started working on my shirt and un-buttoned the button up shirt that I had on. After both our shirts were off Gerard started kissing me again and moved a hand down my pants, palming me through my boxers.

"Ohh Gerard...p-please" I moaned out.

Gerard pulled away from kissing me and moved down to my jeans, un-buttoning them and sliding the zipper down before pulling them down all the way. Gerard moved his hands to his own jeans and took them off, along with his underwear before moving back to me. Gerard was now completely naked and I was still in my boxers. He brought his hands to the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down. He smirked as my hard on sprang up, free of the fabric. Gerard started kissing my stomach and moved down. Gerard reached my length and took me into his mouth, bobbing up and down. I started moaning loudly, feeling the bubbly pooling feeling appear in my stomach. Gerard pulled his mouth away and moved to kiss me before he walked over to our bed side table. Gerard pulled out a condom and lube. He rolled the condom over his length and covered it in lube before positioning himself.

"Ready?" Gerard asked. I nodded and Gerard pushed in.

Gerard didn't move for awhile, letting me adjust until I nodded and he started moving slowly. Gerard leaned down and kissed my lips, keeping at his slow pace.

"Gerard!" I moaned. Gerard looked at me.
"Faster...Gerard please"

Gerard quickened his pace. I threw my head back and started moaning until I felt the bubbly feeling in my stomach start to appear again. Gerard could tell I was close so he moved even faster. I moaned out and Gerard thrusted one last time before we both came. Gerard collapsed next to me on our mattress. I started reaching around and looking for my boxers. I pulled them on before laying back down and falling asleep.

Gerard agreed to drive me to work in the morning again. On the way there, Gerard's phone started ringing so he picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" Gerard asked. "Just a second Mikes, I'm driving so I'm putting you on speaker phone"
"Hi Mikey!" I shouted.
"Heh, hey Frank" Mikey replied. Gerard gave me his phone to hold as he drove down the busy streets of New York.
"Gerard, we really need to talk" Mikey said.
"Go for it, I'm listening." Gerard replied.
"Well apparently mom and dad were watching us play live." Mikey started.

"And they both know now that you and Frank are engaged..."

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