Chapter 5

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Later in the day everyone was awake. We were all still pretty hungover but I can't imagine how Alan was feeling. It was probably good that Austin took him home. Ray and Mikey were sitting together on the couch and Bob was off on his own. Gerard had made coffee for himself even though it wasn't morning anymore. He walked up next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can I have a sip?" I asked, motioning to his coffee.
"Mmkay" Gerard said and handed me the coffee mug.

I took a sip at the liquid and almost spat it out. It was really strong and extremely hot. I glanced over at Ray and Mikey. They were actually perfect for each other. Mikey was sitting on Ray's lap and they were talking about something together. Ray leaned over and kissed Mikey's cheek and I felt a smile creep up on my face.

"Guys! Everyone!" I shouted. Everyone turned to look at me. "So about My Chemical Romance, I say we give it a go. I mean, we could book a few local shows and see where everything goes."
"I think it sounds like a good idea, you guys?" Gerard added.

Ray was the first to answer. He agreed and nodded his head. Bob agreed as well and Mikey took awhile to answer. Eventually he nodded and I turned to Gerard. He had a huge smile on his face and I smiled back when I saw him. Gerard finished the last sip of his coffee and placed the mug on the coffee table.

"Guys I think we should come up with a few demos, make a CD and then maybe sell it," Gerard said. We all agreed and Gerard went to our room. Soon he came out holding that one book he had when we were in high school and had to perform a song.

A week passed and we had finished all our songs, the lyrics and the music. My Chemical Romance had used the music store as a make-shift recording studio. My Chemical Romance had five songs on the CD and we had made 20 copies of the CD.

"Frank, do you think you can sell the demos in the music store?" Gerard asked.
"I'll ask Austin and Alan, I'm sure it will be okay!" I replied.
"Awesome!" Gerard said.

Gerard placed his hands on my hips and pecked my lips. I kissed back as I felt my cheeks grow hotter. Gerard pulled away and grabbed his bag. I followed him to the front door and picked up a bag of CDs and flyers.

"Well you have work and I have school so we better get going," Gerard said.
"Alright!" I said.

Gerard and I walked out of the front door and Gerard got in his car and drove off to college as I walked to the music store, holding a bag full of CDs. When I got to the music store, Austin was sitting behind the counter and Alan was going through records.

"Hey Frank!" Austin smiled.
"Hiya, I was wondering, my band has a demo and I was wondering if I could sell it here," I said. "Oh and I have flyers too!"
"Uhm, I'm sure it'll be okay," Austin said. "I'll give out flyers to every buyer"
"Thank you!" I squealed.

I looked at what Alan was going through and it was music that I actually liked. Alan didn't seem to notice me so I walked over to the back where my white Les Paul Epiphone was. I started to play parts of songs My Chem had written.

Not much happened at work. No one had bought the demos yet. I left and said goodbye to Austin and Alan as I walked out of the store. The streets were crowded, that's the downside of living in New York, it's pretty busy. When I got home from work Gerard was already at home, considering the front door was unlocked.

"Geebear?" I called out.

There was no answer so I walked to our bedroom. Gerard was lying on the mattress, fast asleep. I giggled at the sight, after all he looked so cute. Gerard stirred a bit, but he didn't wake up. I crawled in to bed beside Gerard and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Love you," I whispered and brushed the hair off of his forehead before kissing his forehead. "Night Gee."

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