Chapter 15

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*Authors note*
Hi guys, I'll definitely be updating more. But I'm focusing on single works at a time, starting with this one. Comment your fave works and the most popular will be updated most! 💕


"Oh my god Gerard...Why did you do this? Why?" I panicked.

I ran to where Gerard was curled up in the corner and surrounded by cans and bottles. I tried to get him to look up at me but he didn't lift up his head or anything. I slipped one arm under his legs and the other arm cradled his back. I didn't think I'd be strong enough to pick Gerard up, not that he's heavy or anything just that I am not very strong. I did manage to pick Gerard up and I carried him to our room and placed him on the mattress, kissing his forehead and leaving to go clean up the mess that Gerard made. I threw all the empty cans and bottles into the recycling and walked back over to our bedroom where Gerard was laying.

"Hey babe" I said as I sat down next to him.

Gerard sat up slowly and started moving towards me. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me lustfully. He tasted like alcohol and I really didn't want to do this at the moment. I attempted to push Gerard off of me but he didn't get off of me.

"Seriously! Gerard get off of me! You're drunk!" I shouted at Gerard and got my hands free to push him off of me.
"I'm s-sorry" Gerard slurred.
"It' okay. Just please never drink like that again" I stated. "You should probably like...go to sleep right now"

Gerard laid down again and I pressed myself against him. I could feel Gerard get less tense as I laid down behind him and wrapped my arm around him. I held Gerard there, pressed up against me and kissing the back of Gerard's neck softly as the two of us fell asleep. I just hoped Gerard wouldn't do anything stupid in the middle of the night.

It was now the weekend, so a few days later and by now, Gerard and I had planned out our wedding. Gerard was still freaked out about his parents finding out that we were engaged but I hadn't heard any thing else about my fiance's parents. I was sitting in the kitchen, eating lunch while Gerard was sitting on the couch and eating his chicken noodle soup. I had been monitoring him for the past couple days to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I was still in my pyjamas so I decided to go to Gerard's and my room to get dressed.

I walked to the closet and pulled out a shirt, unsure if it was mine or Gerard's. I grabbed a pair of pants off the floor and when I did I noticed a few bags underneath where my jeans had been sitting. There was a bag of white powder and two other bags of a green plant. Holy shit. I picked up all the bags and stormed off to the living room to where Gerard was.

"Hi" Gerard smiled as I stood in front of him and in front of the TV. "Hey Frankie, can you move? I can't see the TV"
"I'm not moving until you tell me what these are" I stated, holding up the bags. The look on Gerard's face went from loving to worried in .02 seconds flat.
"Oh shit..." Gerard whispered. "I'm sorry" Gerard said.

I leaned down and slapped him in the face before dropping both bags on the floor and stormed out of our apartment.

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