Chapter 6

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"Frank wake up! Big day today!" Gerard shouted.
"What? What do you want?" I asked.
"Today My Chem has their first show!" Gerard said.

I got up from our pathetic mattress on the floor. One day I might like to get a box spring because it would be nice and a little more comfortable but right now the mattress was okay. As far as I'm concerned Gerard was alright with the mattress so it was alright with me. I picked out clothes for the day and tried to get dressed but Gerard kept interrupting me while I was trying to get dressed. He was kissing me and hugging me and trying to keep me from getting dressed.

"Gee leave me I need to get dressed!" I said.
"Not until you kiss me back" Gerard protested.
"Ugh. Fine." I said.

I tangled my hands into Gerard's hair and pressed my lips to his. Gerard smiled and sighed into the kiss and I pulled away finally able to get dressed. Gerard and I were eating breakfast, bagels with butter and coffee until Gerard's phone rang.

"Hello?" Gerard said when he pressed the phone to his ear. "Really?"
"Okay great! I will see you soon!" Gerard said and hung up his phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.
"That was Mikey, him, Ray and Bob are on their way and they'll be here really soon!" Gerard replied.

I sighed and took another sip of my coffee and sat at the table finishing my breakfast before clearing my plate and walking to the front door, grabbing my familiar tote bag and getting ready to leave.

"Gerard I'm going to work, maybe you can bring the gang around after they show up?" I asked.
"I'll see, I don't have classes until the afternoon so that gives us...three hours all together" Gerard replied.
"Bye babe" I said as I kissed Gerard's cheek and walked out of the apartment.

At work Austin and Alan were sitting behind the front counter and talking together and when I walked in their faces lit up and Austin started waving at me. I walked over to the counter and placed my bag down behind it.

"So Frankie, your band has their first show tonight right?" Alan asked.
"Yeah its in this one basement I think. Not very glamorous" I replied.
"We'll for sure be there" Alan said and elbowed Austin in the ribs.
"Ow, fuck!" Austin cried out.

I sat behind the counter and was reading an Alternative Press magazine. Austin was hovering behind me and Alan was straightening up the store. I saw the box of our demos sitting on the counter with a handwritten sign that said 'My Chemical Romance-band from NJ'. I smiled and closed the magazine I was reading when I saw four familiar figures outside of the music store. Gerard walked in the music store first and ran up to me. He leaned over the counter and kissed the corner of my mouth. I could hear both Austin and Alan 'awwing'. I turned around and Ray, Mikey and Bob were standing outside the music store, struggling to get their instrument cases through the door.

"A little help here" Mikey cried out while carrying his bass.

Gerard, Alan, Austin and I ran over to where Mikey Ray and Bob were and helped them with their instruments. The five of us in the band were going crazy, shaking and worrying about what was going to happen tonight. Alan went to the back of the store and brought back five cans. He handed one to each one of us.

"Most of us can't even have this!" Gerard said. "It's not legal!"
"Twisted tea is only half beer, you'll be okay as long as you don't have much" Alan replied.

Mikey was the first to open his can and take a sip. Gerard went to school at noon and returned right before we had to go to the gig. Gerard and I helped the other band members carry their instruments to a van and we piled everything in before going back and getting my guitar. We were really going to do this. When we got to the basement we set everything up surprisingly quickly. There were only a few people there. around ten at the most and I could see Alan and Austin standing at the front and smiling widely.

"Hey everybody!" Gerard said into the microphone. "Thanks for coming out, We're going to play you a song called Our Lady Of Sorrows!"

The whole band started playing and Gerard started singing. We were actually doing this. This seemed like a dream come true. It felt so different than playing guitar alone but it was a really good kind of different. MCR played four songs and then the concert was over. Everyone said we did a good job and after the show we were packing everything up and Alan and Austin were congratulating all of us.

"You guys! That was awesome!" Austin yelled.

Gerard ran up to me and hugged me, picking me off the ground and holding me tightly. He didn't let go for awhile and I hugged him back. Gerard kissed the tip of my nose and set me back down on my feet. We packed everything up within thirty five minutes and placed it in the van. We left everything in there because we were all too tired to unpack everything. Gerard and I went back to our apartment and Mikey, Ray and Bob went back to Belleville after all it took around thirty minutes to drive.

"Frank I really enjoyed tonight" Gerard said as he was changing into pyjamas.
"Yeah me too." I was already laying on our mattress and was looking at the ceiling. Gerard came and laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you. So, so much" Gerard sighed.
"I love you so much Gee" I replied.
"Alright well this rockstar is tired so let me sleep" Gerard said. I laughed at him.
"You're more of a diva aren't you?" I giggled.
"Ouch!" Gerard said. "Night Frankie"

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