Chapter 9

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I giggled at what Ray had said and started blushing like crazy, still hiding my hand under the table. The rest of the band was trying to get me to pull my hand out from under the table but I refused until Gerard picked up my hand and placed it on the table. I really hadn't gotten a good look at it yet since it was somewhat dark 'backstage'. I lifted up my hand and examined the ring. It was a plain silver band with an F and a G engraved along the side.

"Can I see?" Mikey asked. I nodded and Mikey grabbed my hand. "Wow, nice" Mikey said.

I took my hand back and placed it back on the table in front of me. Gerard smiled and grabbed my left hand.

I do remember drinking that night which really wasn't a great idea but I didn't care at the time. Gerard didn't drink so we both went home together and he made sure I was alright. When we got into our apartment I was way too tired to do anything so I made Gerard carry me the short distance to our mattress.

"Gerard put me down I wanna sleep" I groaned.
"It's not very comfortable to sleep in jeans here." Gerard said as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down.
"Shirt?" he asked. I shook my head.
"I don't wanna take this off. Its yours and it smells like you" I replied.

Gerard giggled and kissed my forehead and hugged me before I laid down on our mattress and fell asleep.

For the first time in the past week's time I woke up with Gerard
laying with me in our 'bed'. I smiled and kissed his nose before I tried to stand up. I did have a terrible headache but that seemed to be all so far. I walked over to the bathroom to wash my face and comb down my bedhead. After I did both those things, I started looking in the mirror at my glasgow smile scars. I felt like they made me 100 times uglier than I was without them. Yeah they had faded a bit but they were still very visible.

"Babe, whatcha doing?" Gerard yawned as he walked past the bathroom. I just continued to examine my cheeks.
"I hate them." I said.
"Oh Frankie, I know" Gerard sighed. "You honestly didn't deserve it, I wish it was me and not you I'm so sorry" Gerard was actually starting to cry.
"Gerard please don't cry! Its in the past and plus if this never happened, we wouldn't be engaged right now, you'd still probably dislike me" I replied.

Gerard wrapped his arms around me and I felt so happy in his embrace. I never wanted to leave where I was right now, I just wanted to stay there, curled into Gerard's chest and never leave.

"Its Sunday, so do you want to do something or stay at home?" Gerard asked.
"I kinda want to stay at home but we can do something if you want" I replied.
"I just want to stay here." Gerard said.

I felt two arms slip under me, one under my knees and the other cradling my back. I smiled at Gerard as he carried me into our living room and sat down before placing me in his lap. I still had my arms around his neck and my face against his chest. I don't know how long I sat like that but Gerard had watched at least four TV shows while I sat there, cuddling into Gerard.

"Frank, I'm going to get a snack from the kitchen kay?" Gerard said. I crawled off his lap.

As Gerard went into the kitchen I could hear my phone ringing. I stood up and walked around Gerard's and my apartment, finding it in our room and picking it up, answering it.

"Hello?" I asked.

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