Chapter 8

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Authors note:
So its like 5 past midnight and I'm updating because I am legit sat in bed with my best friend @AllTimeJayy reading various fanfiction and comparing smut. Brilliant friend.


It was now a couple days after the first show that My Chem played and it was Saturday now, the day of our second concert. Gerard hadn't been talking to me as often lately. He'd spend nights before he went to sleep on the phone talking to his brother and friends for 'advice' and I was scared to death. I had no clue what was going on.

"Good morning Gee" I said as I walked into the kitchen in my pyjamas and messy morning hair.
"Morning" Gerard replied and stood up. Gerard walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "So I was thinking, since it's Saturday and the rest of the gang shows up at 6 for the show at 7:30, we should do something, the two of us."

I nodded and Gerard smiled and walked over to the coffee pot, pouring two cups of coffee. I smiled at Gerard as he handed me a cup and he took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, if we're going somewhere, you should get dressed!" Gerard said.

I ran over to mine and Gerard's room and picked out black skinnies and a Smashing Pumpkins shirt which wasn't mine. I walked back into the kitchen and Gerard smiled when he saw me only to go back to drinking his precious coffee.

"Is that my shirt?" Gerard asked.
"Maybe..." I replied.
"Frankie!" Gerard groaned. I tried not to giggle at Gerard.
"Sorry." I replied.
"It's okay hun, c'mon lets go do something" Gerard smiled.

Gerard and I walked out of our apartment holding hands. As we were walking down the street, holding hands, some people looked at us with disgust but I just smiled back at them. Kill them with kindness. Gerard took me to this one park which was nice but there was a lot of people. Gerard sat down at a bench and I sat down on the bench next to him. Gerard looked nervous and looked like he had something he had to tell me.

"Gee, is everything okay?" I asked.
"Hmm? Oh uh yeah everythings perfect" Gerard said and leaned over and kissed my cheek.

Gerard and I walked around for awhile talking about whatever we came up with, our band and the show we were going to play tonight, Gerard's art school, my job. Gerard had suggested we go out for something to eat so Gerard brought me to a fancy looking restaurant.

"Gerard, why are we here?" I asked.
"Cause I wanted to do something nice for you" Gerard smiled.

Gerard and I ate our lunch which was pasta that was in way too big portions. Gerard also insisted he paid for our dinner. Gerard and I got about five steps outside the restaurant before he pushed me against the building and started kissing me.

"I love you Gee" I said, gasping for breath once he pulled away.
"I know Frankie" Gerard said and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Gerard and I were walking back to our apartment until he got a text from Mikey. Mikey, Ray and Bob were already on their way to New York. Gerard and I switched directions and headed to the music store where Mikey, Ray and Bob would meet us outside. Ray and Mikey would always bring their instruments back and forth but Bob and I left our instruments in our band van. We were driving to our show and I laid down in the van and rested my head on Gerard's lap and grabbed his hand. Mikey had his head buried in the crook of Ray's neck and I couldn't help but laugh. Ray's hair was all in Mikey's face but Mikey didn't seem to care. When we got to the building where our show would be, we all hopped out of the van and grabbed our instruments. The show we were playing was at a bar and we had a lot of shows booked at bars. Our first show was the only one that didn't seem to be at a bar.

We were backstage which really, was a black curtain. Mikey and Gerard were talking to each other and once again I started to eavesdrop.

"Have you done it yet?" Mikey asked.
"No, but I promise you I will soon" Gerard replied.
"Gerard! You have to. Tonight, after the show." Mikey said.

Gerard nodded nervously and walked away from Mikey. When the band and stage was ready Gerard was the first one to walk out.

"Hey everybody my band and I are here to play a show!" Gerard yelled and I could hear people cheering. "We're called My Chemical Romance!"

The rest of the band walked out and I plugged my guitar into an amp and Ray did the same. Mikey plugged his bass in and Bob sat down at his drum set.

"We're gonna play you a song called Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For the Two of Us!" Gerard added and Ray started strumming.

After the concert I ran backstage and placed my guitar down. The band decided to sit down at a table and get a couple drinks so everyone but Gerard and I were sitting at a table. I was about to walk out from backstage until Gerard stopped me.

"Frank wait don't leave." Gerard said. I walked up to Gerard and he grabbed both of my hands. "Frank, I love you more than anything"
"I love you too Gerard." I replied. Out of my surprise Gerard got down on one knee.

Oh. My. God.

"Frank Iero, will you marry me?" Gerard asked. I started nodding my head and Gerard, slipped a ring onto my ring finger on my left hand, stood up and hugged me tightly.
"Yes" I whispered.
"I love you Frank" Gerard whispered.
"I love you too Gerard" I replied.

Gerard and I walked out of backstage and sat down with the rest of our band. I leaned down and rested my head on my hands until Ray started asking me questions.

"Oooh Frank, who's the ring from?" Ray teased.

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