Chapter One

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Ryland's POV:

"Ryland Honey Come here." My mom yelled from the kitchen. I rolled out of bed and moped into the kitchen where she was standing at the sink doing dishes.

"What mom." I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Oh sweetie. I know you're upset about Savannah leaving you but you don't need to be so depressed." She said hugging me.

"But I really liked her. I loved her mom." I said letting a tear fall from my eye.

"You know what I need a break from this life mom." I said standing up straight.

"What do you mean darling." She asked worried.

"Mom I'm gonna go camping." I said smiling a little bit.

"Where. For how long." She asked.

"Don't know and a few months maybe. Just when I come back." I said.

"Ryland honey I don't know if that's a good idea and all." She protested.

"Please mom. I will be safe. I just need some alone time. Ok." I whined.

"Ok." She sighed smiling.

"Yes thanks mom." I cheered hugging here. "Oh and mom I'm not taking my phone. Ok." I said. She just nodded as I gathered my things.

I got all the stuff to go camping and got some money from my parents and siblings and walked to the park. It was a little ways away but I'm sure it will be worth it.


"Ryland." Someone said behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a tall figure in a ski mask.

"Who are you." I said scared.

"You know me but you don't get to know yet. Come with me I'm not gonna hurt you." He said and placed handcuffs around my wrists. I willingly followed because I knew I wasn't going to risk getting killed.

Amy's POV:

"Amelia Darling." My mother yelled from my brother's room. I got up from my bed and went into the room to find her reading with my brother.

"Yes mom." I asked smiling annoyed.

"Are you almost ready to go doll." She asked glancing at me.

"Yes. I'm about to leave I'm going to miss you mom." I said excited. Oops little too excited.

"I know sweetie I will miss you too. But it's only for a few months." She told herself. I nodded and hugged her before I left. I'm going camping on our local beach here in Australia it took time to convince my parents to let me go on my own but they came through. It's amazing and beautiful. It might be a little bit hard considering I left my electronics at home, which means I won't get the latest updates from Ross Lynch Or R5. I'm gonna live though.


"Amelia." Someone said from behind me. I quickly spun around and saw a tall man in a ski mask thingy.

"W...who are you." I asked scared.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you just come with me." He said.

"O...Ok." I said as he put cuffs around my wrists.

"W..Where are we going exactly." I whined as he set me in a car.

"U.S. You'll find out why later." He said getting in beside me. I went along with it because I didn't want to get hurt. I hope I won't get hurt.


Ok so this may be a little confusing but it will clear up as we go on. And don't worry this person isn't going to hurt Ryland or Amy. Just keep reading to find out what's happening and who this mysterious person is. Sorry it's really short also and all but the next chapter will be longer.

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