Chapter 5 A Show To Remember

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"Do we really need to be so close?"

"Duh! Besides, Hunter said this is where to stand for pictures."

Ask an obvious question, receive an obvious answer. I take out my phone and check my messages.

"So mom needs us to pick up milk on the way home, we're all out. Don't let me forget."


"There must be a lot of people on this network, it's running really slow," I complain, trying to refresh my e-mail.

Kelsey takes my phone, "no more complaining, your are going to ruin this for me."

"Sorry, I just really don't like waiting."
She ignores me and I stare at my feet in boredom.

Kelsey's freaking out. I think she is a new found "Dasher," it's so cute to watch her get so worked up.

Even I have to admit, the sound they produce is fantastic. I think I am going to be stealing their album from Kelsey's computer, I am already sure she plans on downloading it.

Kelsey's so animated she even gets me to dance along. Her excitement is infectious.

Now that things have gotten going time is really speeding up.

Hunter should be about to take the stage and Kelsey has her phone out and at the ready.

Someone bumps into me from behind and another person's elbow clocks me in the ear.

I turn and look but it is impossible to figure out which screaming person caused my discomfort.

Arms are reaching toward the stage and by the time I look back up Hunter is already on it.

I am pressed tightly in the maniac crowd, and from what I can see I am the only one not disintegrating into a screaming nut.

I've never been so close to the center of an event like this. It's super loud. I wonder if the screaming is as loud from the stage. I wonder if there is any way I am going to get out of this alive.

Hunter asks us to put our hands up, and I fiddle with the wrist band on my right arm.

I watch as the colors change. This is pretty cool, maybe someday...

Hunter finishes 'Storyline' and starts in on 'Wild Card.'

Kelsey dodges through the tangle of arms reaching for the stage and yells in my ear.

"I know you know all the words! You could at least look like you are having fun!"

"I am!" I scream, but my voice is swallowed up by the sea of people and the loud music.

I try to figure out how to raise my arms in the air without getting them broken off. I end up placing my hands on the stage. It actually helps to keep me balanced with all of the chaos around me, now I know I won't get pushed down.

'Storm Warning' and 'Secret Love' intrigue me, the layout is genius and when Hunter walks by my eyes are glued to his fingers. I want to play like that, wow!

I groan when I hear the beginning of the next song 'Somebody's Heartbreak,' if there was a least favorite song of mine then this would be it. I just don't agree with being okay with being used, especially in love. Although, when the song was on the radio I was going through a breakup myself so it really rubs me the wrong way.

I made the mistake of letting Kelsey know my opinion, she wouldn't speak to me for a week. She was so mad, this is one of her favorites.

He goes on to the next song and I don't recognize it. I'll have to ask Kelsey later, I can see her singing along with it.

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