Chapter 6

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                06//  Surprise Surprise

Reede and I stay in the kitchen talking basically. He's just asking me general questions .I grasp on to every word he's saying like its some sort of answer to my forthcoming tests. I never want to leave his side.

Oh my God, I just met him. I get rid of that thought when I inhale a particular scent that only one boy has ,Ryan.

Immediately I turn I see him looking good enough to eat. OK I don't know where that came from.

He says, "you look beautiful tonight "as he pecks my cheek. I blush but feel bad that Reede is there and I don't even know why.

"Thank you ",I reply him in a small voice.

"Hey bro ",says Reede as they do that bro hug thing.

"Hey, I see you've met my date for tonight ",Ryan said putting emphasis on the word "date".

i look to Reede and I see a look of surprise on his face. I send him a puzzled look. He gives me a small smile and quickly shifts his focus back to Ryan who seemed to be oblivious of the little exchange.

I go to the fridge on the other side of the kitchen to get a drink. I see some cranberry juice on the top shelf and I take it . As soon as I turn around, I see Ryan and Reede who are whispering to each other but appear to be disagreeing on something.

When I move a little closer, I hear Reede saying "she's so naive, choose another girl ".

i know they're talking about me but I just don't understand before I can put 2 and 2 together. I see Josh and Bianca approaching us and I mutter an "oh dear" to myself. They reach where we are and Josh does that bro hug thing with Ryan and Reede. He looks at me and gives me a once over before turning his attention to the boys. He tells Ryan and Reede to go somewhere with him. Just great, I'll be left alone.

Ryan pecks me and says, "I'll be back ".

i give him a small smile .He leaves, Josh follows.

Bianca was about to follow suit before she came back facing me and says, "nice dress Amy".

"...thanks ",I say confused and not wanting to make a scene.

She says," Hmm ,but it could use more red " before I could comprehend what she  said ,she poured her cup of punch on me and in that moment, the music stopped and she smirked . There were many "OMG ","I can't believe her",and many other comments but the sound that stuck to my head was the sound of Ryan laughing. Yeah you heard me right. There he was on the staircase laughing his ass off holding a phone, his phone videoing the whole situation .

Bianca then said, "this is what happens to losers who think that they're at the centre of the universe. I'm sure you wouldn't have thought twice before having sex with him. He would have granted you that wish if not for Reede who literally begged him not to."

I felt numb. Even as Bianca took my bottle of cranberry juice from my hand ,opened it and began to pour, all I could see was Ryan and Josh. I mean I'm his cousin for crying out loud.

I eventually hear Reede shout "Enough". I know he put a cloth over me and guided me out. I could hear Ryan saying "killjoy" and stuff I'd rather not repeat. he let me into the back seat of his car .I think I heard Natasha telling him my address and I wondered where she was all through the night and how she got into the car. He parked in front of my house.

The first word that came out of my mouth was directed to him, "you knew. You knew .how could you let this happen ".

Natasha says, "Amy chill, OK. I'll be in your room".

She leaves the car and goes into my house.

Reede says, "I get that you're not yourself right now but just let me explain first OK.  Yes, I knew about the plan. I mean, while we were arranging the things for the party on Saturday ,Josh told Ryan about this whole plan. He said Ryan should make you believe that he likes you and that he should have sex with you and record it but both Ryan and I disagreed. Josh told Ryan that if he does it, he'll grant him a wish. Ryan decided to do it .I was against it from the start Amy, I promise you. Today, when I found out that it was you. I literally had a panic attack and I begged Ryan not to do it. He finally agreed and sent a text to Josh. I didn't even know they had a plan b. I know that you might not believe me but that's the truth".

"Thank you ",I say shocking him.

"I've never really had anyone to stand up for me except Nat ,so thank you. I'm still mad at you but I just need to go home, eat junk food, shower and think about it".i say making us both laugh.

And for the first time in a long time I felt happy even though it was in the most unlikely situation , I felt safe and I had a genuine smile on my face. I open the door and come out,he does the same and he walks me to my front door and seems hesitant to go.

I tell him, "I'll be fine".

He says "oh".Then I realise why he's hesitating and I use all my courage to stretch towards him, put my hands around his neck, bring his head down. I lose that courage of just few seconds ago and before I can give myself some words of encouragement ,his lips hover over mine and our lips meet.

My heart stopped for a second.

My first kiss.

Our lips move in sync. His dominating because I haven't done this before. I suddenly feel shivers run down my spine and an electric sensation throughout the kiss before he pulls away.

" Good night Amy",he says with a smile before pecking my forehead and I stood there touching my lips till he zoomed off in his car. I can't believe he kissed me. OMG.

^^ Rytah_ 05^

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