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I got into his car and he shut the door. I had to give birth. I had to grow up. I needed a job. I needed my own car. How much was a car seat? A pack of diapers? What about formula or clothes, or furniture, or clothes, let alone the mental stress that a baby comes with. Danny drove me home, parking at the curb. For a few seconds we sat quiet both needing it.

"Hey Soph?"


"I just wanted to let you know that whatever you chose to do about the baby, I'm with you."

"I know."

"But we have to tell your Mom."

"Yeah, I know that too." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "She's going to be so disappointed in me."

"It's not your fault Sophie."

"Yes it is Danny. I shouldn't have gone to the party, because I never to to parties anyways. I should have never went with that guy.""

"So uh, What's the guy's name?"

"I didn't pay attention." I waved it away, "Or maybe I don't remember."

"Well if you remember, let me know okay?"

"Yeah." I mumbled pulling my hair into a bun.

"You hungry?"

"We should get a pizza."

"You up for it?" He started his car. "I can order in."

"I want to go out." I nodded.

"Okay, then we go out."

We drove over to the little pizza shop and headed inside. I sat on the bench as Danny ordered our pizza and soda. I wonder if I could get a job here? I had to get a job somewhere. Mom was already struggling with me as it is. 

I refused to let her take care of my responsibilities. She couldn't financially take care of a baby too. I hope she wouldn't involve Dad. That was the last thing I needed to worry about. Why did the pizza smell so damn good? Like I could eat an entire pie to myself. I probably could to be honest. 

With the order paid for we headed home and sat at the table in the kitchen. We ate our food, and stayed there. I watched Danny walk around the kitchen as He threw away the pizza box and plates. I sat up a little more and looked at him as the door began to unlock. Okay, here we go. 

Danny nodded at me and sat down. I hurried to grab his hand. I listened as Mom shut the door, kicked off her shoes, and set her bag and keys down. She sighed about something, probably the abandoned doughnuts. Maybe I could of cleaned that up for her. 

That was the least I could have done right? She walked into the kitchen and paused. She just looked at us.

"What happened?" Her tiered shoulder sagged, "What's going on? I had a really long shift so i want a shower and to eat."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

She paused, then she sat down in the chair across from us and just started. It felt like all of the air in the room had been sucked out and I couldn't breath. A lump formed in my throat and that's where it stayed. I watched her look at me, and then Danny, and then me again.

"Do you even know how much a baby is?"

"I can get a job." I muttered.

"I'll get one too." Danny offered.


"Yes," Mom cut me off with a nod,  " Yes he damn will."

"The baby isn't his Mom." I muttered.

"What do you mean?" She sat back in the chair again, "Then whose is it?"

Danny pulled me into a hug as I started crying. I thought I was done crying. Why was I always crying about this?

"She doesn't know who the Dad was because she was raped." Danny muttered.

"Oh my god." She got up and hurried around the table and sat in a chair closer to me.

She pulled on my sleeve, and I turned to face her. How could she even look at me. This perfect image of a little girl shattered by some... monster. 

"Please don't be mad at me Mommy. I'm so sorry."

"No sweet heart." She took my face, "No."

"I should have just stayed home."

"Hey," She pulled me into a hug, "We have to take this one thing at a time okay? First it is not your fault Sophie, and Daniel it's not yours either."

Danny slowly nodded, as if he needed an adult to tell him this.

"Okay." Mom nodded, "Are we going to keep the baby?"

"What?" I looked at her.

"I'm just saying that there is options." She said softly, "You don't have to have this baby. We can do adoption or-"

"I'm keeping the baby."

"Okay." Again she nodded, "Daniel, a baby is a huge responsibility, One that is not yours.  Now is the time to back out."

"I'm in." He nodded firmly, "I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled at him and took his hand.

"Okay then. You need to get jobs to take care of the baby. I can help out too, but babys can be expensive. Especially if they get sick or are special needs."

"That's fine." Danny nodded, "I'll go job searching first thing in the morning."

"Did you go to the doctor yet Sophie?"

I Nodded, "She said that I didn't have any  STD's and the reason why I couldn't remember the event is most likely I was drugged. She said it was too late to do a rape kit and that I was seven weeks pregnant."

"Okay. So you two look for jobs tomorrow, and I'll set up a doctor's appointment. I have tomorrow off so I'll go shopping for better food and prenatal vitamins."

"A baby." I shook my head. "That's where we're at now."

"Hey." Danny rubbed my back, "We got this."

I nodded.

"All we can do now is get some rest. Danny why don't you bring her upstairs okay?"

He nodded and took my hand.

"I am sorry Mom." I repeated, because I didn't know what else to say to her.

"Get some sleep honey."

I nodded, and let Danny take me upstairs. We lay in my bed with a sliver of space between us. I was soon getting a head ache trying to stay awake.

"Don't leave okay?"

"Never." He said kissing my head  as I faded in and out.

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