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I ripped out all of the papers that I had written on and ripped them and threw them away. He was right. I was just some little girl who wanted to fit in and no one would believe me. But I still didn't deserve what happened to me right? The next morning I pulled on some baggy jeans and a long sleeved shirt.

 I put my hair up into a bun and headed to school. I put my things into my locker and jerked my hand back as the door slammed shut. There stood Joseph with a smiled on his face. My eyes widened and I went to move but he blocked me with his arm and so get away from him I backed up against the locker. He put an arm over my head.

"Now now," He grinned, "You wouldn't want people to know what happened would you?"

I shook my head.

"Look at me."

I clenched my teeth as He lifted my face up to him.

"Just remember that I can ruin your whole life and get you locked up in a loony bin. So keep your mouth shut." She he smiled again, "Can I count on you to come to my game tonight?"

"Go to hell."

He smiled and leaned in, kissing my neck, "You wouldn't want to piss your boyfriend off again would you? Remember what happened last time?"


"That's my girl," He pulled back with a smile, "Now give your boyfriend a kiss goodbye."

"I'd rather not."

"Give mew a kiss now." He put his hand on my arm and squeezed it.

I grimaced and reached up kissing his cheek before hurrying away.

"Love you too doll face! See you tonight!"

I entered the closest bathroom and dropped my bag into the sink. I grabbed a paper towel and put some water and soap on it to scrub my mouth and neck. The door opened and then closed. 

"Hey, I saw you with that new guy." Kara smiled in the mirror, and then her face fell, "Sophie?" She grabbed my arm and I jerked, "What happened?"


"Why are you crying? Who was that guy?"

"I need you to give me your parents number. My parents want to talk to them."

"My parents don't even know that I am pregnant."

"Well then let my Dad talk to them for you. He can explain everything."

"I'm not going to do the Sophie, I'm sorry."

"Please, I need your help."

"Who was that guy?" She looked over her shoulder as if he would be standing there with a sinister smile. "Why was he talking to you."

"That was Joseph." 

"Oh my god are you okay?"

I pulled up my shirt to show her the finger marks he left on my arm, "He threatened me."

"Let's go tell Danny!"


She took a deep breath and blew it out just as fast. She let her back pack slide off her arm and dug through the little pocket. She grabbed a green high lighter, and nodded holding out her hand. I gave her my hand and watched her write down a number. She capped the high lighter and zipped up her back as I looked at my hand. I pulled her into a hug.

"This is going to be good."

"If you say so."

"It is." I pulled back, holding onto her shoulders, "These are our babies, and we need to protect them."

"You're right." She squeezed my wrist and then headed into class.

I took a deep breath and looked at my hand. This better be the right thing.

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