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I stared at my reflection in the body mirror attached to the back of my closet door. I wore a white dress with scrunchy off the shoulder sleeves and chest area and it had a three different types of pink in a flower pattern. My hair was down and curled, makeup thick compared to what I usually wear, and matching pink pumps that I had never worn before. Jessie gave then to me for my birthday last year and a matching purse. I had everything stuffed into my binder instead of a bag. I sighed and headed out. I beeped open the car and opened the door.

"What are you wearing?" Danny laughed casually walking across the street with one strap of his bag over his shoulder. 

"I wanted to look nice today."

"For who?" He snorted rounding my car.

"Do you want to drive yourself to school?"


"Yeah, that's what I though." I got into the car. 

Once in the car I rounded towards Kara's house to pick her up. She hopped into the car and scooted into the middle seat leaning forward.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." Danny held out his fist and she bumped it.

"Whoa hot Momma!" She laughed, "Who are you looking good for?"

"Don't mention her new look. She'll make you walk to school."

"Oops." She held up her hands and sat back pulling on her seat belt.

I rolled my eyes and Pulled away from the curb. I stayed with Danny and Kara and Long as Possible.  But the fact that I had to stop off at my locker for my text books was unavoidable. I looked around and hurried over to the locker. I had to redo the combo before I finally got the locker open. As I pulled open the door a shadow fell over me.

"Hey Baby."

Just smile, "Good Morning."

His eyebrows raised, "What's with the smile?"

"I thought we could start over," I offered and he smiled at me, "Don't you like my dress? I wore it for you."

"I think you look beautiful." He leaned in and kissed my cheeks and I kept my face emotionless and did not flinch. "I got you breakfast and a coffee in case you haven't eaten."

I took them quickly, "You're so thoughtful."

He smiled, and then reached into his pocket, "Oh, I got you something."

"Oh?" I handed him the coffee and took the small box. 

I popped open the box and looked at the golden heart with my initials on it. If he knew my middle initial what else did he know.

"Do you like it? It's real." 

"I love it." I gave him a smile I hopped didn't look stiff. "Mind putting it on me?"

"Of course. Here."
I took the coffee and he took the necklace out of the box.  He unhooked it and held it up with a smile.

"You have to turn around."

I turned around and he put the necklace on. I turned to face him quickly.

"It looks perfect. I want you to wear it all the time okay?"


"Make sure not to take it off."

"I won't."

He smiled, "I knew if you just gave me a chance you'd like me."

He looked over at his friends as they called him and nodded, "I have to go okay?"


He gave me a quick kiss and then jogged over to his friends. I hurried around the corner and threw away the coffee and whatever was in the food bag.I looked around to make sure no one was watching me and then headed to class. After school I was the first one in the car. I took off the necklace and then slipped it into the side panel of my door. 

We headed over to work and then I headed home. I took a shower and crawled into bed. Was I wrong for wanting to keep Kara safe? She already got raped once, how was she supposed to protect herself from Joseph. He drugs people. He already threatened her, I couldn't let her get hurt again. Wouldn't she do the same for me?  

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