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I carefully looked over my outfit turning from side to side. Good, no stomach yet. I ate breakfast with Mom and then sat in my car going over the controls. The new car smell was thick and overwhelming. He couldn't have just bought me a used car like other Dad's did? 

But I was secretly happy that I had a car. Having a car would take off so much stress from Mom having to drive me around. I glanced up as I saw something through the windshield. I watched Danny walk around the car over to the passenger side. As he got in I messed with the controls again. 

When I figured out the heater and seat warming settings, I pulled away from the curb. I pulled into an empty parking space. Danny and I got out and rounded the car.

"People are staring." I muttered to him, sinking into his side.

"It's the car."

But what if they were staring because they all knew what happened?

Who happened.

He put an arm around me and we headed towards the main building of the school. Whelp, I didn't have any vomiting issues. Danny and I left school campus to go out to lunch. It was actually pretty easy. Maybe they didn't think the two of us would ever do something like that. 

And they used to be right. After lunch we headed back on campus, using a group of kids to blend with. As we walked we slowly fell back until were where alone. That was actually kind of exciting. We could have gotten caught. 

Danny would really do anything for me, wouldn't he? I closed my locker at the end of the day and headed out to the parking lot. There was a group of kids surrounding a girl. They called her names and threw paper wads at her.

Keep walking, you don't need the drama.

"Go to an unwed Mother's home you slut!"

It's none of your business, you don't know the girl okay?

"Hey!" I yelled rounding my way to them, "Back off."

They snorted and laughed as they shoved each other as they walked off.  I knew the girl from one of my classes. She sniffed wiping at her face as she stared at her stuff on the floor. Then she bent down picking up her glasses and putting them back on. She gathered her things and put them into her bag. I picked up her binder and held it out to her.

"You okay Kara?"

She nodded taking the folder. We stood there for a few seconds, as she tried to collect herself.

"I over heard those things they were saying. I didn't know you were pregnant."

"Every one else does." She shoved her binder into her bag and then zipped it shut.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could of helped you."

"With what?" She looked up at me, pushing up her glasses, "It's not like we're friends."

Well, okay then.

I tried again-

"Who's the father?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does! He needs to get a job and give you a support sys-" I paused, "He doesn't know does he?"

"Why would I tell my rapist that I am pregnant?"

"Probably for the same reason I haven't told mine."

"Oh Sophia," Her shoulders sagged, "I'm sorry."

"Well as long as we stick together who cares what people say you know?"

"There's this support group I go to. You should come with me tonight. It's at six."

"I think I get off today at five thirty."
"Give me your phone."

I handed her my phone and watched as she put her number in. She handed it back with a smile.
"I'll text you the address."

I gave her a hug, and she rocked us from side to side. We pulled a part laughing. I gave her a nod and turned stepping off the curb. Sometimes someone just needs to be understood. to have someone in the same situation. She started off as defensive and then she became warm. I hope we can become friends. 

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