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Monday morning Joseph caught me at my locker holding out a Starbucks, drink.

"I didn't spike it."

I swallowed.

"Take the coffee and thank me before I get mad."

"Thank you." I took the coffee.

"You can do better than that." He tapped his cheek.

I quickly reached up and kissed his cheek sparing a glance at his friends watching.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper, "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Because I like you, and all my friends already think we're dating. And you need to start wearing mover revealing clothes. I don't like these clothes, and you wouldn't want to make me mad would you baby?"


"No." He smiled, "That's right. So when you come to school tomorrow you need to be wearing a dress, heels, makeup, and your hair needs to be down. I have to make a little stunt tomorrow because you refuse to show me enough affection."

"Please just leave me alone."

"You're starting to upset me baby. SO maybe I should go and see Kara. I know she get's to her next class early. You wouldn't want your new friend to get hurt would you?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Good girl. Now give me a kiss goodbye and maybe I'll bring you something pretty tomorrow."

I sniffed and leaned in.

"Make sure it's a nice and good one."

I nodded biting my cheek. He grabbed my face and kissed me, pinning me against the locker as his friends whooped.

"You feel that baby?" He grinned against me slightly, and I quickly nodded, "That can end up in your new little friend if you up set me." He kissed me again, "We can keep her safe though right?"


"I think I could really get used to you."

He gave me one last kiss and pushed off of the locker to go towards his friends. As his friends laughed and cheered him on I hurried the opposite direction and rounded the corner tossing the drink out. Okay think. If you out him now he'll hurt Kara. And god forbid he find out about the baby. 

That lawyer Dad got better be one of the best damn lawyers I've ever seen. I want him behind bars. I want him gone, I want him to never be able to see my baby or hurt anyone I care about. What if he has a gun? Or uses a pocket knife to cut Danny? 

I can't tell my parents. What if they lawyer doesn't have enough evidence and the cops let Joseph go and then he comes after us? I'm just going to have to play his game. I'm going to have to lie to Kara and tell her it was all a misunderstanding and that I was so drunk that I had thought I had gotten raped. She's going to hate me but... at least she'll be safe.

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