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It was 6:05 as I sat in front of the building that Kara's directions led me. I'm not ready for this.

I want to go home and crawl under my bed. But Dad was at the house with his lawyer discussing strategy with Mom. So, I couldn't go back there. I grabbed my jacket off the seat next to me and pulled it on. Danny offered to come with me, but I needed to do this part on my own if I actually ended up going inside.

I turned off the car and headed inside. People sat in plastic chairs in a large circle. I paused at the snack table.

"A new face!" A woman walked over to me, "I'm Ms. Jane, you are?"

"Sophie. Sophie Mason."

"Well, thanks for coming why don't you have a seat?"

I looked over the empty chairs. Kara caught my eye as she waved wildly at me. I smiled and hurried over. As I got closer she moved the jacket that was keeping my spot. I sat down and we grabbed each other's hands at the same time.

"I'm glad you came. You had me for a second." She smiled.

I smiled back and turned to Ms. Jane. I looked over the girls. There were too many girls. Was I going to throw up? I wasn't the only new girl here today. The few other girls spoke about their stories on chocking sobs.

Then it was my turn, but only if I wanted to.

"I went to a party." Kara smiled at me, "My friend and I got separated through a large crowd, or maybe she lost me on purpose. I don't know."

"Why don't you ask her?" One of the girls questioned.

"I don't know." Kara shrugged, "Embarrassment maybe. But the guy who raped me got me alone and you know." She tossed up her hand, and I took her hand, "And the worse part is I have to see him every day at school and people are starting to find out. That I'm pregnant, not about the rape. No one would believe me anyways. After he raped me he said he would kill me if I told anyone. That no one would believe me because I was just some stupid nerd."

"If you know who your rapist, why don't you tell the cops?" A girl demanded.

Kara looked down.

"Yeah they can do it again to another girl."

"My Mom and Dad are meeting with lawyers. They're going over their options. YOu know, collecting evidence."

"So he gets to get away with it and we have to see it happen." A girl was annoyed.

Ms. Jane held up a little black bottle with a key chain on the bottom of it.

"Do any of you know that this is?"

"It's pepper spray." One of them said.

"I want you all to have a bottle," She pulled over two big bins. "The other box is a personal alarm. It makes a loud high pitched sound. It will startle your attacker long enough for you to use your spray and get out. Go ahead."

We all grabbed a bottle and an alarm. I headed home and parked at the curb. I saw shadows in Danny's living room. I headed inside. Mom and Dad where at the table with the lawyer. There was papers covering every inch of the table.


"Hi honey." She walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Are you here to help catch him?" I asked the man in the suit, "My rapist?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"His name is Joseph Barnes."

"Wait," Dad held up a hand. "You know his name?"

"I haven't seen him since the night of the party."

The lawyer stepped in walking over to me.

"Do you know anything else about this kid? Do you know his middle name, where he lives, is he in sports?"

"He's on the football team."

He nodded, and went to his computer.

"Is there a way to catch another rapist? Like in this case?"

"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"I went to this group tonight. I met a girl in school today and we went to the group."

"Why are so many girls getting raped?" Mom muttered.

"I know it's a different case I get that." I assured the lawyer, "But this girl who got rapped is my friend."

"Where the hell are their parents?" The lawyer demanded.

"More important where is this girl at?" Dad turned to me, "I need her parent's number. They need to be in this case. I'll cover all expenses, tell them that."

"I'll get it after school." I promised.

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