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Mom was sitting at the table with a woman and a Man as they drank coffee. The lawyer was on his computer. Kara was sitting at the table as well her face wet from crying, but she wasn't actually crying anymore. Danny leaned against the wall his arms folded around himself.

"What happened?" I demanded, dropping my back pack on the floor. I ran over to Kara, rubbing her back as I pulled over a chair. "It's okay."

She only nodded.

"Sophie," The man spoke up, "I'm Kara's father."

"Okay, but before you get mad-"

"Mad?" Her Dad scoffed, "I'm not mad. I'm hurt that Kara didn't feel like she could tell us what happened to her."

The woman beside him began to sob, and Mom grabbed her hand in a white knuckle grip.

"I understand that you're in the same," He paused, "Situation."

That was an even better word that rut, for sure. I nodded as the lawyer looked up.

"I think," Her dad paused, "We all think, That-" He sighed, and gave me a sad smile.

"I think with the two of you combined," The lawyer stepped in, "This is a really good case. A strong one."

"Okay." I hinted for more information.

"With the information we have, and the names of the boys, we have enough to have them arrested and brought in for questioning."

"What?" I looked at Mom. "Are you sure?"

"Honey, It's time."

"A mother is always right." Kara's Mother nodded at me.

"But-" I looked at them all, a united front unwavering, "Kara-"

She grabbed my hand and took in a ragged breath, "You said. Remember?"

I nodded, biting back tears and my swollen throat, "Okay."

"Mr. Pearson will drive the two of you to school, and I'll be right behind you. A few officers will met us there. All you two have to do is identify the two. You'll be safe."

Kara nodded and then looked at me, "I saw him yesterday so I know he's back in town.

I squeezed her hand. She saw her rapist and I wasn't there for her.

"Okay." I stood up, as did the Lawyer.

"Are you ready Daniel?" He pushed in his chair.

"Yes sir." He pushed off the wall and went to pick up mine and Kara's back packs.

"Does Dad know that we're moving forward with the case?" I wanted to know.

"I thought it best to wait. With the time difference and all." Mom nodded.

"He'll be mad."

"I know, but we'll deal with him later," She placed her palms on the table and stood up, "Once we get these boys locked up everyone can take a little breath."

Then she looked at me for a few seconds.

"You'll be fine. You'll have Ben," She gestured to Kara's Dad then the lawyer, "And Nickolas, Mr. Pearson." Then she walked over to us, and pulled Kara and me into a hug, "Daniel will let nothing happen to you."

Kara gave my mom a squeeze and we all pulled back. Mom kissed Kara's forehead and then mine before quickly turning away. But I saw the tears of many on her face before She turned all the way. I walked after Kara and paused when Danny grabbed my arm to heep me in the foyer as they went outside on the porch.

I looked back at him confused.

He face was wiped of any and all emotion, "I know Sophie." I stared at him confused and then he reached out and pulled the necklace from my neck, "I know."

I touched my neck and then turned to hurry after Kara. We climbed into the back of Ben's car and drove over to the school. I glanced over my shoulder, and sure enough Nicholas was close behind us. Danny grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He was staring out the window.

He had my back still. I looked over at Kara who was looking out her window too. I reached down and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and Smiled, tilting her head a bit. I shook our hands and smiled back.

She was ready for this. We had to protect our babies. She would protect mine, just as fast as I would hers. 

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