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That afternoon after school we both sat on the couch in the living room. We had just finished our load of homework and Kara imitated her brain exploding. I laughed and pushed her arm.

"I come baring food," Danny announced setting a pizza down with a bottle of soda.

"Danny!" I smiled at him, "Welcome!"

"Hi Danny," Kara wave a bit.

"Hey." He nodded.

"Kara." I introduced them.

"I think I have you in my Math class."

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Kara and I are in the same-" I paused snapping my fingers for the words to come.

"Rut?" She offered.

"Yes!" I laughed.

"I'm really sorry Kara." Danny nodded at her.

And we all fell quiet.

"But We get a baby right?" Kara looked at me, "That's good."


"Of course it is!" Danny clapped his hands, Pizza, dig in!"

Danny sat down next to me, and we all reached for a slice of pizza. Danny grabbed the remote and clicked on the T.v. After Kara and Danny went home I grabbed my keys and drove to target. I Made sure no one was watching me and then I looked around at the baby stuff. Yep, it was expensive. I was going to have to get more hours at work to get this stuff. 

Three hundred dollars and up for a crib? Did I need a rocking chair, or a glider? Would I have to become a drug dealer or a Murderer of the rich to make sure this kid survived. I sighed and moved on to the clothes. There was a few things that I was interested in, but there was two major things standing in my way. 

The money situation, and knowing what the gender was. Did I even want one gender more than the other? I mean, there was a lot more things for a girl compared to the boy section. That kind of sucked. Maybe I'd become a designer for boys only. 

And that's what I would call the bran. Boy's Only. All I could hope for was a decent pay check. If it all came down to it I could breast feed and I could have the baby sleep with me. All I really needed was diapers. 

I could make wipes somehow. I picked up a two pack of pacifiers. Six dollars? That baby better like sucking on their thumb! I moved on to the bottles and breast pumps. Who does mom think she is writing they expensive ass things on my list? I sighed pulling out my phone.


"Milow, It's Sophie."

"Oh hey. I'm surprised to hear from you on your day off."

"That's the thing, I need more money."

"But I offered you seventeen dollars an hour Sophie. What could you possibly need at sixteen?"

"No, not more money hourly. More money as in more hours. Any time i'm not in school that you can offer me would be great."

"Are you in some sort of trouble?"

"No. I'm trying to help save for college." I rolled my eyes and tossed up my hand.

"Well can you come in right now? I could use some help laying new flooring and painting the walls."

"I'm on my way."

"Oh, and can you bring Danny? We need a lot of help."

"How much help?"

"Help like we might never get this open in time for my Dad's dead line."

"Maybe you need an extra set of hands?"

"You got a mouse in your pocket?"

"Something like that. I'll be there soon."

Twenty minuets later Danny, Kara, and I showed up at the shop. Introductions were made and then we set to work.We even got the kitchen organized. by the time Sunday morning came around we were open for business and we were packed with people wanting to see the new shop.

"We need more cupcakes!" Kara yelled at me.

"I'm bringing some out now."

She came back to help me and we quickly refilled the bakery show case. As someone ordered three cupcakes we looked at each other and headed back into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Someone has to help me do tables," Danny ran a hand over his forehead, "I'm getting swamped." 

"I can help." I grabbed a serving tray, "You got the frosting?"

"Yeah, go." Kara waved at me. 

I loaded up my try with an order and hurried to the floor.

"Hi guys," I smiled at no one in particular, "So sorry about that wait."

"Busy huh?"

"Yeah," I laughed emptying my tray onto their table, "Like you wouldn't believe."

"I missed you at the game." A new voice spoke up.

"I'm sorr-" I looked up and took a step back seeing Joseph.

"Guys, this is My girlfriend Sophie."

"Oh, the one from the party."

Joseph smiled raising an eyebrow challenging me, "I didn't know you worked today Honey."

"I got called in." I set down the last cupcake. "Excuse me."

Joseph reached over and grabbed my elbow, and I tried not to wince, "Leaving already?"

"I have tables." I muttered, trying to slyly get his hand off of me causing him to squeeze harder. 

"Give me a kiss first?"

Joseph leaned in-

"Hey, none of that while on the clock!" Milow waved at us.

"Sorry Boss lady!" Joseph said raising his hands as his friends laughed, "Won't happen again."

"You distract my worker again and you can be sure it won't."

I hurried through the tables and Milow passed me.

"You can't be doing with that with your boyfriend here okay?"

"I"m sorry."

"It's okay." She smiled, "To be young and in love." She sighed before going back to the register.

Baby by RapeWhere stories live. Discover now