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Kara sighed and Crumpled the paper she was writing on. She tossed it randomly hitting Danny in the head.

"Hey." He objected.

"Sorry." She sighed, "I'll never find a name for this baby."

"I like Josh." Danny offered.

"Josh." She said as if she was testing the name, "Joshua."

"Josh and Elsie." I looked over at her.

"I like it." She nodded, "They flow together really well."

"Now all we need is middle names." Danny said from where he sat on the floor his back against the bed.

Kara and I both reached for a pillow grabbing the same one. Together we used it to smack him in the head.


"Anyways," Kara rolled her eyes and him then looked to me, "Wouldn't it be so cute if we had a joint baby shower?"

"Who's going to come?" I snorted.

"Well our parents and the girls in the group for sure."

"At least we don't need a lot of food."

"That's the spirit," Kara tossed a ball of paper at me. "We can keep it small. Just us you know?"

"I like the idea." Danny said, then quickly looked over his shoulder holding up his arm ready to fight off an attack.

I paused with my pillow raised.

"We can use your back yard," Kara tapped my knee.

"Fine, whatever."

"Yes." Kara reached over to give Danny a High five.

"But I get to get the Strollers remember?"

"We could go now. I don't have anything to do." Kara looked at me.

"I wanted to get a crib actually."

"And we know the genders so lets just go shopping." Danny offered.

We headed to Target first for furniture and then we headed over to the mall for clothes. Danny and I went over board with clothes. Once at home I started on her clothes. I stood outside next to my car with my hands on my back.

"Do you want me to try."

"No." Danny glared at the directions of the car seat trying to install it into my car.

"Are you-"

"Sophie." He held up a finger.

"Yes?" I tried to hide my smile.



I headed back inside to finish off clothes and put them away. Danny was just upset because I had the car seat installed within ten minuets and he had been in the car for almost thirty minuets. I smiled at the idea of him trying to one up me with this whole baby thing. He had thought that he was so smart when he was putting that swing together. This was my revenge.


The baby shower was nice and Dad was able to make it. If he was trying to reconnect with me I guess I needed to start making an effort as well. He even brought his new girlfriend that he had gotten serious with. As they days drew on everyone got closer. I was worried about giving birth but before I knew it I would have my baby girl in my arms. 

Danny and I made it official and slowly started to make our way to a relationship. Luckily Kara and I went into Labor together, but they refused our request for a double delivery. Something about cross contamination. Mom and Dad went over to the food hall. I sat on the bed holding Elise. Danny was sitting next to me. He adjusted her little hat. Kara came into the room Pushing Josh in a plastic like cradle.

"I'm here." She announced out of breath, "I threatened them."

"Who?" I laughed.

"All of them." She waved a hand over her head. "Let me see."

She leaned over and put her hand on Elise's chest, "Hello Auntie's sweet girl."

"Kara," Danny got up. "Come and get in the bed with her, so I can take a picture."


Kara picked up Josh and got in the bed with me. We stuck our cheeks together, and smiled.

Baby by RapeWhere stories live. Discover now