Chapter Forty.

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This past week has been a blur.

We got back from the draft exactly a week ago today, and since then all I've done was practice.

Today is May 22nd, which means I only have a little bit of a month left with Aves. And I won't lie. I'm terrified.

I don't want her to go. I don't want to believe that I won't see her anymore, that the girl I'm sure is the love of my life won't be here anymore.

It sucks. It sucks that I actually found her and she's being taken away from me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I think we have to work on a plan. We have to figure something out. I can't just let her go without knowing the next time I'll see her. I can't wing it.

It also sucks that I don't even have a full month with her. I have to be away for almost a whole fucking week. Playoffs start on the 29th, so I'll be here for the first week of June. But then I'm away from the 10th to the 15th. I know it's only five days, but those days are precious at this point. Any day I can spend with her is precious.

That's why we're spending every possible second together, which could seem like overkill but neither of us really care. We know the reality of the situation and how this is going to be the end for a little while, even if we don't want to admit it.

And I don't mean the end of the relationship, obviously. I mean the end of an era. The year I've been in Seattle could be seen as the most important of my life so far. Joining the Thunderbirds was the best thing that could of happened to me. I've made my way the NHL here, my family has finally found the place that they belong since my dad left, I met Lindsey here, who is definitely the best friend I have ever had.

And I found Aves. I found my girl. Even if this era is ending, what I have with her isn't. I refuse to let it end because there are a few thousand miles between us.

"You on the same planet as us, Wilder?"

I blink a few times as I look towards Jack, who basically falls to the bench next to me. He throws a sweat towel that was in the net in front of us at me, so I take it and drag it down my face.

The both of us are dripping in sweat, as is everyone else. I missed school to be here so we've been on the ice since 6 AM, and I think it's about 5 now. We've had extensive training in prep for playoffs and today's bootcamp was just brutal.

"I think I fell asleep," I laugh halfheartedly. I didn't even make it to the dressing room after my final laps were done. My legs basically gave out once I got to the bench. "I'm not sure I can move."

"I hear ya," he sighs deeply, still out of breath from his relay he had to skate. We both lean forward and rest our arms on the boards in front of us. "Thank God we're done."

I nod along, trying to get the strength to at least stand up. I told Aves I would be at her house to pick her up at 6, since she's sleeping at my place tonight. Her mom is working late, so she managed to convince her to let her stay with me. Not going to lie, all I want to do is lay in bed with her.

"Alright," I grunt, using the boards to push myself up. I can't stand on my own but thinking about relaxing with Aves just gave me some motivation. "I'm gonna hit the showers."

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