You realize you caught feelings

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-You guys started hanging out everyday
-He was super considerate and sweet
-You both loved volleyball, so he invited you to one of his games
-He always gave you hugs when he saw you
-You're totally crushing on him
-He taught you how to spike a volleyball, and was ways patient when you messed up
-He sent you memes
-You fell super hard for him


-You started hanging out outside of school
-He was super patient when he taught you how to play volleyball, even after you kept messing up
-He bought you milk everyday
-He was super sweet and considerate of your feelings


-You guys had lots of deep, meaningful talks
-He introduced you to all of his friends
-He spent hours on facetime helping you with homework
-He gave you his jacket when you were cold, even if he froze half to death
-A perfect gentleman


-He taught you how to play volleyball
-He constantly invited you to games, lunch, and to his house to hangout
-He was super friendly, and he playfully flirted a lot
-He defended you from unwanted male attention


-He gave you rides to and from school
-He constantly asked how you were, and was super conscious of your feelings.
-He would always lend you his clothes
-Constant flirting


-He bought you the new animal crossing.
-He made small efforts to be sociable even though it made him uncomfortable
-He always asked you if you wanted to play video games or hang out
-Made an effort to be nicer around you


-He didn't make fun if you for being really tall
-He always let you borrow his clothes
-He helped you with your homework,  even though you are stupid and disnt understand it
-He invited you over to meet his family


-He always invited you to sit with him
-He brought you food one day when you weren't feeling to well
-He always asked your opinion on things
-He was fun-loving


-He always complimented what you were wearing
-He bought you food on several occasions
-He was gorgeous
-He helped you with your homework
-He got along really well with your sister


-He made an effort to keep his fangirls away from you
-He invited you to his games
-He would shower you in compliments
-He bought you food


-You guys hung out several times after school, and you had some great conversations
-You both were annoyed by Oikawa and his fangirls
-He invited you to sit at the popular table
-You guys were gym buddies


-He was a friend to you when you knew no one.
-He was really attractive
-He was respectful to his mother
-He helped you learn Japanese
-Boom, feelings


-You both had the same personality
-He loved watching anime and hanging out with you
-He always bought your favorite snacks
-He taught you how to play volleyball


-It took a while, but you started to warm up to him
-He always tried his best around you
-He bought you food
-He always invited you to his games
-Sent you texts every morning
-You realized that he was super sweet and adorable

Shorter chapter guys, sorry

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