Kiyoko Catch Up

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Hello my loves! This is for all you gay girls out there (myself included) who simp for this beautiful goddess. Enjoy

How you met

-You are Tsukishima's sister
-You were dropping by after practice to talk to your brother.
-You got lost so you asked this random third year girl where to find the volleyball gym
-Turns out that she was the manger
-You had a long conversation on the way to the gym

Meeting Again

-You decided to stay for practice
-You hung out with Kiyoko on the sidelines and watched as the boys practiced
-At the end of practice, she asked for your number and you gav it to her

When you realised you caught feelings

-You had a crush on her from the start
-But she was always very sweet
-And she helped you with homework when your brother didnt want to

When she caught feelings

-You always came to practice just for her
-Goodmorning and goodnight texts.
-She loved your smile and how much nicer you were over your brother
-She also just caught herself randomly staring

Asking You Out

-Very nervous
-She had never had a problem with attracting people before, but she had real feelings for you
-she got through it without stuttering, and was definitely nervous for your reaction
-You said yes (obviously)

First Kiss

-You actually kissed her when she asked you out

Top, Bottom or Switch

-This girl is a switch, but she loves topping you

When she's jealous

-she wont say anything to you, but you can tell that she is upset
-she wont be shy about it, if you ask her if she is jealous she will straight up tell you

Who has a crush on you

-He got to know you while you hung out at practice, and fell really hard for you
-He definitely prefers you to Kei

Do you guys hook up

-You have an average sex life, not letting it get in the way of school

First time

-It was your anniversary
-Very sweet and romantic
-She was top

Who are they jealous of?

-She doesnt get jealous easily
-But Kageyama
-You guys hang out a lot, and she knows that he likes you
-Ofc you are oblivious to his feelings

When you are preggers (adult timeskip)

-You planned this
-You get a donor
-You chose your mutual good friend, Suga
-He was more than happy to help you out
-She was so thrilled when the test came back positive

When You are Asexual

-It didnt bother her
-She wanted to be with you, no matter what
-Sex is something she can live without

Boobs, Ass, or Thighs

-Ass woman
-I repeat, Ass woman

What turns them on

-Mommy kink
-I meant to say that she loves when you respond to her babying
-And when you play volleyball with the boys

As your girlfriend

-lots of Kisses
-people think you're best friends because you are so casual with each other
-but she is always affectionate
-lots of guys are jealous of you

When she catches you self-harming

-shocked, to say the least
-she always thought you were very happy
-doesnt say a word when she cleans your wounds
-yells at you
-"How could you y/n? You're literally perfect in every way, why would you do this to yourself?"

Little things you do that she loves

-Yelled at your brother for disrespecting her
-You always have interesting things to say to the guys who catcall you
-always make sure to ask how she is

When you vape

-says nothing.
-takes all of your stuff and throws it
-gives you a stern look and tells you never to do it again because she doesnt want you getting sick

Ok! There it is!
This makes me lonely
I need a girlfriend
But if you're a girl

Author-chan out✌

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