Twenty four

458 13 13

Christmas Eve

Stan's family went to buy late Christmas gifts so Stan thought it was the perfect opportunity to bake the cake. They found a recipe online and decided to make it.

"Ok so you need two tables sp-"

"No w-we need to p-pre heat the o-oven first and t-then a-a-add the ingredients."

"Oh yes you can do that will I add the ingredients"


"Or you can put the... ingredients if you want"

"No it's f-fine" Bill said in a mad tone.

"Bill what's wrong? I know something wrong so don't try to tell me your 'fine'" Stan said making quotation marks In the air

"S-sorry, my head just hurts, I d-d-don't know why"

"Maybe you're stressed about something, is it about tomorrow?"

" I guess. Not to be r-rude but your u-u-uncle just scares me."

"Well Yea he's not great but we can just hang out in our room after dinner. I don't really have any cousins that I get along with anyways"

"I love y-you stan" Bill says, hugging Stan.

"Love you too, ok back to the cake. I can't find the measuring cup so I'll just put this much sugar."

"Stan that was way too much, also I have the measuring cup."

"Oh ok let's start over" Stan said trying to pour the sugar into the back but he just spilled it everywhere including his shirt.

"Crap now I have to clean it off"

Bill giggles.

"What are you laughing at" Stan said grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at bills face"

"Ugh y-you got it I-in my eye asshole" Bill laughs.

"Ok we don't have much time"

"W-we have all day t-to do it"

"Still I was planning to watch a movie later"

"Oh then l-let's get moving"

They finally finished putting all the ingredients into the oven and went upstairs.

"Finally we're done"

"Y-Yea time to w-w-watch the movie"

"Oh yes let me find it hold on be right back"

What bill didn't know is that Stan wasn't planning on getting a movie, he was getting him a surprise.

"Here bill" Stan says, giving Bill a box.

"I-is the movie I-inside of h-h-here?"

"No it's even better, it's something that you've always wanted"

Bill looked at Stan then looked back at the box.

What has Bill always wanted?

He opens the box to see a typewriter.

"A t-typewriter! Thank you so much s-s-stan"

"I knew you would love I- wait what's that smell"

They both looked at each other with a confused look and realized that the cake was burning.

They ran to the kitchen as Stan put on his oven mitts. He quickly took the burnt cake out and placed it onto the counter.

"O-of course thu-the cake had to bu-burn" Bill said.

"It's ok, we can make a new one, right?"

"Yea s-sure"


I was too lazy to read this chapter after I edit it so if you see a mistake please tell me :)

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