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Cub could feel the moment that the Power stone entered someone's hands, felt its power buzzing passively in the air.

He shakily sat down, hand twitching as it felt the power twirl around it. It longged to feel the power coursing through it once more, but he buried that deep down. As someone who'd once held the Stones, he knew the pull of their power, a power they'd just use against you if given the chance.

He hoped that whoever had the stone didn't get anymore, or that anymore came to be. Because he feared Hermitcraft would never be the same if all six came to be.


When Grian had noticed that the Button had six colors he couldn't help himself. He got a gauntlet specially made, made to be a mix between the one Iron Man used and the one Thanos used (shape of IM's and style of Thanos'). He then used some Watcher magic to turn the concrete block into a purple stone, and he added a mild strength effect to it too.

You know, to make it more realistic!


When he felt the second stone, Time, if the subtle feeling of time stopping for a second or so was anything to go by. He really hoped it was someone else.

He hasn't yet figured out who has the Power stone, but he'll figure it out eventually. And if he doesn't figure it out himself then he'll just ask someone else. Easy as that!


As soon as he got the green concrete block he did the same thing he did with the purple one. He blinked in surprise when he noticed that the air around him seemed to still, the heat still there but not trickling all over his skin like a hot breath like usual.

He looked down at where he'd just placed the green stone in, a feeling deep inside him telling him it was the stone that was doing this. So he focused in on it, silently asking it to turn time back to normal, and to his disbelief it did as it was told.

Surely it couldn't actually be the Infinity stones, right?



By the time he felt the presence of the Space stone he knew it was Grian that had the Stones. He'd been trying to set up a meeting with the dirty blonde, but they'd both been so busy that it hadn't been able to happen.

So he went to Scar, hoping that he could tell him the moment Grian became free.

The wizard agreed, but asked that he (Cub) come to his base and explain everything in person. Which Cub agreed to.


Grian had realized that the stones on his hands were more than just simple mineral crystals. Because no normal stone should open a portal to the nether at will, and most definitely not a frameless one.

When he discovered this new ability two clashing emotions filled him. On one hand he wanted nothing more than to rip the stones off and crush them under his foot before throwing them into the void. But on the other something pulled him to keep them, and to also use and master them. But most importantly it also whispered non verbal encouragements to get the last three, to finish the sextet of stones.

And he listened to the call of the Stones.


Cub didn't know Grian had the Mind stone until he saw the other. It had just been a quick look, the two seeing each other when Grian had been flying by when Cub stood in a portal, but the new, glistening, yellow, stone was very prominently radiating power for the short moments Cub saw it. The stone had subtly used its power passively to make Cub look at it's current wielder, as if to say "do you see what you're missing now? Look at all you could have had, look at all of what you denied".

Hermitcraft one-shots 2: Electric boogalooWhere stories live. Discover now