46- Atif

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"why do you like me?' There is an edge to her voice that grates my senses immediately. She sounds angry and there is a hint of an accusation in it.

I give her a sideways look- she's glaring at me. we are sat at the worktop in the kitchen eating when she has this strange outburst. I continue chewing slowing, aware of her eyes narrowing on me. she doesnt miss a thing. I turn back to the food in front of me and try to still my racing pulse feigning bordem. I haven't bought up today's visit from Anushe, but clearly she's said something to Saara. It's almost strange seeing her like this after her placid behaviour for the past week. If it wasnt for the relief, I imagine I'd be feeling more annoyed.

'why do you even care, if its not real?!' I say pushing my plate away, I give her a dismissive look and stand up to leave, knowing this will infuriate her further. Its petty and I know I'm baiting her, but the worst thing that could happen is that she goes back to the passive docile creature I'm used to. Best outcome? She comes alive.

As I'm about to walk out of the kitchen door, I feel a gentle thud in the middle of my shoulder blades and then hear a squelch sound on the floor. I stop and turn slowly to see a chicken leg on the floor. I can't believe she just threw food at me! She sits there with a grin on her face. 'is that real enough for you! Che cavollo!' She says indignantly then 'Stronzo!' she mutters under her breath and turns her back to me and starts eating. Even i can tell she's not complimenting me. I'm glad she turns away and misses my smile and silent laugh. 'I like this shirt!' I say in mock protest returning to the table and picking up my spoon, continuing to eat. Just as I go to scoop up a third bite of the sweet rice, I redirect it at her and fling it. Scooping another spoon into my mouth without pausing, I give her a level look. Without looking back at me, she picks a cherry out of her hair and puts it in her mouth. I know she's going to retaliate without a doubt, but she manages to distract me with her own fork, I'm expecting her to throw something from her plate at me, but instead she throws a glass of icy coke at me, with the other hand which I've not been watching. Then she raises her eye brows and continues to eat, just like that. I stare at her in absolute shock. I grip my spoon till my knuckles turn white. I look at the options in front of me: curry, pilau, yogurt, condements, roast chicken. Nothing left really. I put my hand in the yogurt, scoop up a handful and empty it on top of her head. She must be expecting something, but when she turns to me she gives me an ironic laugh- before we both lunge for the ketchup and there is a tussle, as it slips out of reach and slides along the granite. I watch her scrabble for it on top of the worktop and dive down , going low instead, intending on going around and creeping up behind her and take her by surprise.

Crouching, I shuffle around the kitchen island and then stop to listen. Nothing. She's good- with those small ballet feet- she's more stealthy than me. I don't dare lift my head up, knowing she'll see it. Silently, I move around the kitchen island till i get to where I think she is sat. As I lift my head up, to my surprise she's not there. Fuck.

I look behind me, nothing, as I turn back- gasp as she suddenly appears, holding the sink hose at me like its a gun. She shakes her head and says billigerantly 'You continue to underestimate me!' and flicks the switch that enleashes ice cold water from the faucet.

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