Chapter Three

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Cara James

"Cara? Why are you crying?" Harry said.

My hands furiously wiped at my face and eye, trying to get rid of any evidence that I had been crying.

It was stupid because he has already seen me but I don't care. Harry like everyone else thinks just because I don't show my emotions in front of them that it means I don't have any.

"I-I'm not." I said cursing at myself for stuttering like an idiot. I felt his warmth as he sat beside me, legs crossing in front of him. I kept my gaze on the floor between my legs.

"Bullshit. I seen you so I don't get why you would lie" I felt his eyes burning into my skin as he watched me carefully.

"What does it matter to you?" I muttered as I played with one of the loose strings on my jeans. He chuckled a little before saying-

"It doesn't. Why are you still wearing my shirt?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I sighed and looked up from the ground and over to him.

"I don't know. I'll go get changed, you can have it back." I said before getting up only for him to grab my hand before I could get to the ladder.

"You can keep it, haven't worn it for years. I was just wondering." He said before letting go of my hand, I sat down on the opposite side of the tree house, putting a much more comfortable distance between us.

"It's comfortable." I shrugged as I told him, he chuckled and nodded in agreement before it went silent again. There was one question I was arguing with myself on if I should ask or not.

"Are you gay?" I asked.

Apparently my mouth made the decision to ask before my head did.

He laughed a little and shook his head, looking at me with a smirk.

"No, I'm not. I'm bisexual" he said openly, all I did was nod in response and look back to the floor.

"Does that bother you?" He asked and I quickly looked up with a confused look. Why would it bother me?

"Not at all" I said with a small smile. He returned my smiled his brighter and a hell of a lot more genuine. Something I can't exactly muster up right now.

I don't understand how people wouldn't be okay with someone being anything other than straight. It's stupid to judge and hate on people because of who they are.

Love is love.

"Are you gonna tell me why you are up here crying and not down there enjoying yourself? Where's Kat? You two are usually joined at the hip." He asked and he does sound like he is just genuinely curious.

"I'm upset because of your ass of a friend, I just wanted to have fun with my friend but instead I'm at my own house and I feel like an intruder. Kats down there somewhere with everyone else" I shrugged as I said the words quietly.

It doesn't bother me that she has other friends, it bothers me that she promised we could have one night together but then told Harry knowing he would invite everyone of his friends.

"How do you feel like an intruder in your own house?" He asked confused and I just laughed and got up.

"It really doesn't matter Harry. Enjoy your night." I said with a fake smile, the fake smile I was sure I wouldn't have to use after high school but here we are. I got to the ladder and made my way down, going back to the kitchen and grab the bottle of vodka.

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