Chapter Twenty-One

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Hey guys I'm sorry it took so long, I went back to work recently and it's been a lot to handle.

Anyway, read, vote and comment!!

All the love💛

Cara James


"Mummy! Daddy said breakfast is ready and you need to wake up!" I heard the voice of my daughter yell as she began jumping on the bed. I smiled and opened my eyes to see her toothy grin, lighting up the whole room and she bounced onto her knees and wrapped her arms around me. I laughed quietly and wrapped my arms around my daughter, squeezing her gently making her laugh and wriggle around.

"Mummy! You're tickling me!" She said through laughter before she managed to wriggle free from my grip. I laughed and sat up, taking my daughters hands as she tried to help me out of bed. I stood to my feet and she began dragging me downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning beautiful."

And there he is, my husband. My beautiful, thoughtful husband who also happens to be the most amazing dad you will ever meet.

"Good morning." I said as I leaned up to press my lips to his. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Ewwww! Mummy! Daddy! Stop that!" Our daughter yelled as she pulled on my hand to pull me back from her dad. I laughed and looked down to her, shaking my head as I lifted her onto one of the bar stools at the counter before looking back to Harry.

"I love you."


I sat up quickly with wide eyes, my chest heaving quickly from the quick breaths I was taking.

I was married to Harry, I had a child with Harry.

I was happy.

I looked to my side and see Harry asleep in my bed, his mouth slightly parted with quiet snored leaving his lips. His eyelashes lay gently on top of his cheeks, the sun shining onto his body giving him a golden glow. I lay back down beside him, raising my hand to gently stroke his face. His breath hitches slightly before he relaxed again humming as my fingers trailed over his cheekbone.

"Good morning beautiful." He mumbled, eyes still closed. My mind immediately went back to the dream I had as he said the exact same words that dream world Harry did. I looked to him and smiled, shaking my head.

"You haven't even opened your eyes, maybe I'm sitting here looking like a troll." I said as I trailed my fingers gently down his jaw line, watching as the goosebumps raised on his skin.

"A very pretty troll." He said with a smile, I couldn't help the burst of laughter that left my mouth at his words. His eyes opened and a small smirk crossed his lips and he looked at me.

"Hi." He said quietly, he looked so well rested. So warm and cuddly. I couldn't help but cuddle back into his body, my head resting on his chest as his arms wound their way around me.

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