Chapter 5

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"Beauty gets the attention, personality gets the heart".
- Roy R. Gilson

Y/n's P.O.V
I cheered for Dohyun too, well because why not? He's my boyfriend after all. But this is the first time in P.E class that anyone has beaten Dohyun's team. He has always had a knack for sports, whether it's football, basketball, volleyball, or track and field. Jungkook's team is beyond happy. The guys are all slapping each other on the back and fist bumping but Jungkook looks unfazed by the scenario.
Does this guy not know anything about smiling? I shake my head at the thought and look at Dohyun who came over to me.

Hana: "Is he good at everything"?
He has more talent than Hana has brain. I snicker at the thought and greeted Dohyun whose expression is sour.
Sour candy so sweet then I--
Shut up! I scold my conscience and took Dohyun's hand in mine and gave him a smile.

Y/n: "It's fine babe, at least class will be interesting now".

Dohyun: "Yup, I may have been beaten, but the class won't be boring anymore. Thanks love, I feel better".
He said and kissed my forehead and we could hear Hana clear her throat beside us. Jealous bitch.
After gym class we changed our clothes to normal and entered the cafeteria. For lunch, our group always sits in the same place. It's always me, Dohyun, Hana, Lia and Hyunsu who's one of Dohyun's teammates. I'm distracted for most of the lunch period. I can't seem to focus on anything else but Jungkook. It isn't just his looks that caught my attention, but the fact that he doesn't seems to care about anyone or anything. After all, beauty catches the attention and personality catches the heart. He doesn't has to try to be smart or good at something. He's a natural.

Hana: "Earth to Y/n. So, like I said, we need to go prom dress shopping".

Y/n: "We should also buy a brain for you".
I mutter under my breath but by the looks of it, Dohyun and Hyunsu seemed to catch what I said and they started laughing quietly.

Hana: "What"?

Y/n: "If unicorns fart rainbows. Does the fart smell like fruity pebbles"?
With that Dohyun and Hyunsu burst out laughing loudly and I gave them a warning glare.

Hana: "What's with you and your weird obsession with fictional beings".
Fictional? She called my unicorns fictional. Oh boy.

Y/n: "Nothing is more fictional than your brain".
I fired back at her without knowing, oops-. The whole table echoed with laughter as Dohyun, Hyunsu and Lia started laughing. Hana didn't argue back at this but just glared at me.
Take that bitch, ain't nobody messing with my unicorns. I just shrug at her glare and sip my coffee while smiling slowly. Dohyun looked at me and shook his head, still laughing.

Lia: "Ok guys, calm down. Did you see that new guy? Hot, hot, hot"!
Lia said and tried changing the topic. The boys sobered up immediately at Lia's word and their faces grew sour again.

Dohyun: "He wears crusty-ass shoes. Plus, what kind of name is that? Jungkook".
I didn't say anything about Dohyun's comment but I was internally dying to argue with him. There's nothing wrong with his name.

Hyunsu: "And his hairstyle looks like it is from 90s".

Lia: "Uh, that's a good thing".
Lia said rolling her eyes while Hana and I snickered quietly.

Dohyun: "I don't like him".

Y/n: "Why"?
All the eyes were now on me, and everyone seemed to be surprised by my question. My own boyfriend looked at me as if I've grown an extra head. The table is completely silent for a moment. Dohyun's pupils dart from me to Hana and I notice her mouthing calm down to him.
On the way back from lunch, Dohyun refused to talk directly with me. I guess I've pissed him off a lot by questioning why he doesn't likes Jungkook.

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