Chapter 6

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What is love?
"Affection and care without any insecurity".

Y/n's P.O.V
My last class of the day is a new one to our school system called Medicinal Chemistry. Only those who previously took the chemistry classes and scored A, B or higher grades are allowed to take it. I make my way to chemical laboratory with Dohyun beside me. There are a total 7 students in the class, meaning I usually end up working alone because I'm a selectively social person. To make matters worse, when Dohyun walks me to my final class of the day, Jungkook is there seated all-too-comfortably in the seat right next to mine.

Dohyun: "If he touches you, I'm ripping his head off".
I nodded and gave him a hug before going to sit in my usual seat.
One thing I hate about Medicinal Chemistry is that our teacher loves to put people in the spot. Today is especially nerve-wracking because Jungkook is right next to me. Everyone's staring at me and Jungkook for some reason. I try my best not to turn to look at Jungkook, whose stare ie so intense, I feel like it's burning a hole through my head.
Wait how'd I look with a hole between my head? Wouldn't it be like funny? People could actually see through my head. I mentally laugh at my sense of humor but I couldn't ignore his obvious stares.

Mrs. Jung: "Y/n, would you care to tell us a bit about phenol"?

Y/n: "It's used as a preservatives in some vaccine".

Jungkook: "Not bad, Y/n. You got some brain".

Y/n: "Congratulations on your discovery".
I muttered silently and look at him to find him smirking at me while nodding. Usually this class would drag on. This time, however it was over faster than I could blink.

Hana: "I'm going to slit your throat! You've chemistry with him, too"!
I roll my eyes at her but I secretly wish it wasn't just chemistry class that I had with him, but the real deal.
After school, Dohyun was waiting for me in his car. When we meet up, he was still in a sour mood.

Hana: "Dohyun, do you mind dropping me off at the shop after you drop off Y/n? I need to get my car. I think it's ready".

Dohyun: "Sure".

Y/n: "I could come with you if you want".

Hana: "It's fine, Dohyun will. Plus, he can check if there's anything else wrong with it".
Weird. It's starting to sound like Hana prefers Dohyun over me. The ride would've been completely silent if it weren't for Hana chattering our ears off. How I wish I could just throw her out of the car.
Once I'm dropped off, I scan my fingerprint on the security pad and the door opened for me.

Y/n: "I'm back, Toby. Home sweet home".
There's an another level satisfaction after reaching home and nothing can beat that feeling. I sigh and drop myself on the couch while staring at the ceiling.

Y/n: "Toby, do you think it's really a good idea to be friends with Hana? Do I really like her, or Dohyun? How about Jungkook"?

Toby: "Qwink Qwink"!
I'm starting to doubt everything at this point. Starting from my love for Dohyun. Do I really love him or have I mistaken attraction for like and love.
I mean, love shouldn't have insecurities.
The next week flew by. Though I've 3 classes with Jungkook, we've barely talked. I'm starting to get the impression that he doesn't likes me very much. He'll stare at me for longer durations of time with the same neutral expression, and furrow his eyebrows as if he disapproves of something. Dohyun has mostly been in a good mood, except in P.E and whenever Jungkook's name is mentioned.
Hana tried talking to Jungkook, the keyword being tried because Jungkook blew her off, which I'm incredibly grateful for. Every guy falls for her, and it's nice to see someone not follow the tragic track of getting their heart broken by her.
Presently, I'm sitting in my medical classroom while scribbling some notes in my diary before I feel someone tapping on my shoulder.
I look at the person which turns out to be Jungkook. Wait, does he wants to talk to me? Has anyone done abracadabra on him? Because the last time I checked, he wouldn't even greet me.

Jungkook: "What are your plans for weekend"?

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